Casual restaurant chain Barbeque Nation hits the IPO road with a Rs 453 core offer. The bidding window opens on March 24 for two days. Before it floats into the market, let’s look at the important points related to it.
Barbeque Nation started in 2006 and introduced the first restaurant in 2008. The brand is one of India’s fastest-growing casual dining chains, with 147 restaurants in 73 Indian cities and seven restaurants abroad as of December 31, 2020. Apart from the flagship Barbeque Nation, the restaurant brand also owns eleven Italian restaurants, nine under the name of Toscano, and one each under La Terrace and Collage.
The company received SEBI approval in 2020, but the plan got delayed because of the pandemic outbreak. Barbeque Nation suggested that it will utilise the capital to fund its expansion plan and repayment of borrowing. It has already raised Rs 149.97 crore by selling 59,51,132 equity shares in a pre-IPO placement of shares, which reduced the original fresh issue size of Rs 275 crores to Rs 180 cores.
Barbeque Nation has listed peers as Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd, Westlife Development Ltd, Speciality Restaurants Ltd, and Burger King India Ltd. Burger King launched its IPO in 2020 and was one of the highest subscribed offers. Barbeque Nation is hoping a good response from investors as liquidity is high in the market.
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