The benchmark indices showed little movement on Thursday, as the BSE Sensex Index decreased by 68 points or 0.11% to reach 61,707, while the NSE Nifty-50 Index increased by 5 points or 0.027% to reach 18,285. Among the sectors, the BSE Utilities Index experienced the highest growth, rising by 1.50%.
Today, the shares of Astra Microwave Products Ltd experienced a decline of 1.48% to reach Rs 339 per share, reaching an intraday high of Rs 345.20 and an intraday low of Rs 336.55. Astra Microwave Products announced that its joint venture company, Astra Rafael Comsys Private Limited, has secured an order worth Rs 158 crore from a Defence Public Sector Undertaking (DPSU) for the supply of Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Astra Microwave Products is involved in the development, design and manufacture of sub-systems for radio frequency and microwave systems used in defence, space, meteorology and telecommunication.
With a market capitalization of over 3,200 crore, Astra Microwave Products reported positive figures in its quarterly results (Q3) and annual results (FY22). The stock’s price-to-earnings (PE) ratio is 25x, whereas the sectoral PE ratio stands at 72x. The company has been maintaining a healthy dividend pay-out of 31.8%. The debtor days have improved from 151 to 101 days.
In Q4FY23 compared to Q4FY22, the company witnessed a 10% increase in net sales and a significant 150% increase in net profit. In FY22 compared to FY21, net sales increased by 25% and net profit increased by 67%. The earnings per share (EPS) for FY23 stood at Rs 9.22.
This stock listed on the BSE Small-cap Index has delivered impressive returns, with a multibagger growth of 170% in just 2 years and over 400% in 3 years. Investors should closely monitor the performance of this trending stock.
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