As of October 16, share price of Bajaj Auto traded flat, up by 0.35%, at Rs 11,537.90. The stock dipped to an intraday low of Rs 11,381.15. Currently, Bajaj Auto is trading below this key technical level, and in the recent past, it has faced resistance around its 20-day moving average (20-DMA). Despite this, the company’s stock has risen by an impressive 70% year-to-date (YTD).
Bajaj Auto, the second-largest player in the domestic motorcycle market, continues to solidify its position as India’s largest exporter of two-wheelers (2Ws). In FY24, the company held an 18.2% market share in the motorcycle segment, up from 17.3% in FY23. Its dominance extends to international markets as well, where it commands 46.3% of the export market for motorcycles. This remarkable growth is backed by a strong brand, continuous product innovation, and robust presence across various motorcycle segments.
Bajaj Auto’s influence isn’t limited to motorcycles alone. It also leads the three-wheeler (3W) segment with a 75.5% share in the 3W passenger carrier segment and a 46.5% share in the cargo segment. Bajaj Auto’s strength in both domestic and export markets has solidified its leadership in this sector. It remains the largest exporter of 3Ws from India.
Bajaj Auto has consistently posted strong EBITDA margins, ranging from 15% to 19.6% over FY20-FY24. In FY24, margins improved to 19.6%, up from 17.7% in FY23, driven by reduced raw material costs, better absorption of fixed costs, and strategic cost-reduction initiatives. The company’s focus on premium product segments and export markets has contributed to its superior margins compared to the industry average.
Investors are eagerly awaiting Bajaj Auto’s Q2FY25 results, which will be announced on October 16. With its strong market position, growing export business, and robust financial performance, there is an expectation the company will maintain its solid trajectory in earnings growth. The company’s focus on premium segments and strategic cost management is expected to further boost its margins in the upcoming quarters.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
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