The Delhi-based online travel planner plans an IPO offer worth Rs 510 crores which will open next week. Ahead of it, let’s take a look at the key aspects of the offer to decide whether it is worth investing in EaseYyTrip IPO.
It’s going to be the tenth IPO of 2021. The promoters are looking to exploit the surge of liquidity in the primary market after the stellar performance of IPO shares in recent time.
Easy Trip Planner’s maiden public issue comprises an offer for sale (OFS) shares from promoters Nishant and Rikant Pitti, each looking to offload Rs 255 crores of shares. The issue is hitting the market at a time when the travel sector is making efforts to recover from the COVID-19 setback.
The OTA (online travel agent) is the second largest in terms of gross revenue. Founded in 2008, the company offers end-to-end ticketing, hotel booking, holiday packages and value-added services like travel insurance and visa processing to end customers. It works on B2B2C (business to business to customer), B2C, and B2E (business to enterprise) distribution channels to offer its services. Till March 2019, Easy Trip Planners had more than 49,494 travel agents onboarded across major Indian cities. It has offices in major Indian cities, Singapore, the UAE, the UK, and an overseas branch in the Maldives.
The company had catered to its customers through 400 domestic and international airlines and 1,096,400 hotels.
In gross revenue earning, the company stands second. In FY 20, it gained 4.6 percent of total gross booking revenue and 5.5-6.5 in total gross booking revenue for airlines in the online travel segment.
EaseMyTrip reported a net profit of Rs 31 crore between April and December 2020, over a revenue of Rs 81.57 crore. It earned a net profit of Rs 35 crores on revenue of Rs 180 crore during the 2020 fiscal.
Although the pandemic hits the travel sector, the sector is making gradual recoveries. The domestic air passenger traffic reported a month-on-month rise to reach the pre-COVID level in 2021. Amid the changing scenario, EaseMyTrip IPO will attract investor attention.
Published on: Mar 4, 2021, 11:00 AM IST
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