On Thursday, January 16, 2025, shares of Persistent Systems opened higher on the NSE, reaching an intraday high of ₹6,215. The surge followed the company’s announcement of ContractAssIst, an AI-powered contract management solution developed in collaboration with Microsoft. While the stock had gained an impressive 74.78% in CY2024 and 90.90% in 2023, it has lost nearly 5% so far in 2025.
ContractAssIst, powered by Microsoft Azure and advanced AI technologies like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, aims to tackle the common challenges enterprises face in managing large volumes of contracts. Its features include:
Many businesses struggle to manage contracts from diverse vendors, leading to inefficiencies and lost productivity. ContractAssIst addresses these issues with:
Unlike standalone tools, ContractAssIst leverages Microsoft’s robust ecosystem, offering:
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Published on: Jan 16, 2025, 2:04 PM IST
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