For Private Circulation Only
Technical and Derivatives Review |May 19, 2023
Sameet Chavan Head Research – Technical & Derivatives sameet.chavan@angelone.in
Sneha Seth Senior Analyst – Technical & Derivatives sneha.seth@angelone.in
Rajesh Bhosale Technical Analyst rajesh.bhosle@angelone.in
Osho Krishan Senior Analyst – Technical & Derivatives osho.krishan@angelone.in
Research Team Tel: 022 - 39357600 Website: www.angelone.in
For Technical Queries E-mail: technicalresearch-cso@angelone.in
For Derivative Queries E-mail: derivatives.desk@angelone.in
Angel One Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Angel”) is a registered Member of National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Bombay
Stock Exchange Limited and Metropolitan Stock Exchange Limited. It is also registered as a Depository Participant with CDSL and
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Limited is a registered entity with SEBI for Research Analyst in terms of SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014 vide registration
number INH000000164. Angel or its associates has not been debarred/ suspended by SEBI or any other regulatory authority for
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make such investigations as they deem necessary to arrive at an independent evaluation of an investment in the securities of the
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the merits and risks of such an investment.
Angel or its associates or research analyst or his relative may have actual/beneficial ownership of 1% or more in the securities of the
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associates nor Research Analysts or his relative has any material conflict of interest at the time of publication of research report.
Angel or its associates might have received any compensation from the companies mentioned in the report during the period
preceding twelve months from the date of this report for services in respect of managing or co-managing public offerings, corporate
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engaged in market making activity for the subject company.
Reports based on technical and derivative analysis center on studying charts of a stock's price movement, outstanding positions and
trading volume, as opposed to focusing on a company's fundamentals and, as such, may not match with a report on a company's