On Tuesday, the Indian benchmark indices concluded the trading day on a notably positive note, with the Sensex gaining by 0.12% to close at 81,455, and the Nifty jumped by 0.09% to finish at 24,857. The broader market also experienced gains, as the Nifty Mid-Cap closed higher by 0.45%, and the Nifty Small-Cap soared by 0.45%. Among the market performers, several stocks reached their 52-week highs, showcasing robust investor interest and market optimism.
TCPL Packaging Ltd achieved a new 52-week high of Rs 3103.4 during intraday trading. The stock is currently trading at Rs 3019, marking a significant increase from its previous close of Rs 2586.2, reflecting a 16.73% rise. With a traded volume of 2.12 lakh shares, the company has demonstrated robust activity in the market. Over the past year, TCPL Packaging has delivered strong returns of 85.08%.
TCPL manufactures folding cartons, printed blanks and outers, litho-lamination, plastic cartons, blister packs, and shelf-ready packaging. TCPL has also ventured into the flexible packaging industry, with the capability to produce printed cork-tipping paper, laminates, sleeves, and wrap-around labels.
Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd hit a new 52-week high of Rs 583.8 in intraday trading. The stock is currently trading at Rs 563.1, up from its previous close of Rs 493.85, indicating a 14.02% increase. The traded volume was notably high at 12.84 lakh shares. Over the last year, the company has provided impressive returns of 142.64%.
Incorporated in 1990, Asahi Songwon Colors is one of the leading manufacturers of blue (Phthalocyanine) pigments for ink, plastics, paint, textile and paper industry with globally benchmarked manufacturing capabilities. The company has ventured into manufacturing of yellow, red and orange (AZO) pigments and APIs.
Sportking India Ltd reached a new 52-week high of Rs 1450 during intraday trading. The stock is currently trading at Rs 1418.8, up from its previous close of Rs 1287.65, representing a 10.19% increase. The traded volume stood at 3.10 lakh shares. With a market cap of Rs 1873.91 crore, Sportking India has delivered a 1-year return of 78.42%.
Sportking India Limited, a part of the Sportking Group, is a textile manufacturing company engaged in the production of Yarns (Cotton Yarn, Synthetic Yarn, Blended Yarn), fabrics and garments.
These stocks’ performance underscores a buoyant market sentiment, reflecting investors’ confidence in the long-term growth potential of these companies.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Jul 30, 2024, 7:08 PM IST
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