Adani Enterprises, the leading company within the Adani-led conglomerate has announced that it is set to allocate Rs.80,000 crore across its various sectors in the ongoing fiscal year. The majority of this investment in the FY25 will be directed towards expanding its new energy ventures and airport operations.
Adani Enterprises announced Rs.50,000 crore for its ANIL division, focusing on solar modules and green hydrogen production. Future plans involve setting up factories capable of generating 10 gigawatts of solar power and 3 gigawatts of wind energy, showcasing a strong commitment to renewable energy expansion.
In wind turbine manufacturing, Adani Enterprises recorded revenue of about Rs.850 crore and EBITDA of Rs.120 crore from 47 sets supplied. Meanwhile, ANIL’s green hydrogen ecosystem asaw revenue surge by 145% to Rs.8,741 crore, with EBITDA reaching Rs.2,296 crore. Combined revenue from incubating businesses rose by over 66% to Rs.24,510 crore, and total EBITDA increased by 47% to Rs.5,942 crore. These strong performances boosted Adani Enterprises’ overall profitability.
The rest of the capital expenditure will be diversified. Around Rs.12,000 crore will be dedicated to road infrastructure, particularly the Ganga Expressway. Additionally, a Rs.10,000 crore investment is reserved for a PVC project, with the remaining Rs.5,000 crore allocated to data center operations.
Adani Enterprises also plans on investing in the airport business in FY25 so that it can expand further. Currently, it manages seven airports across the nation. In addition, it’s constructing a new greenfield airport in Navi Mumbai, with plans to commence operations by the conclusion of FY25. The introduction of this new airport is anticipated to significantly boost passenger traffic.
Lastly, Adani Enterprises inaugurated its copper refinery in Mundra, Gujarat, with initial phases capable of processing 500,000 tonnes each. Kutch Copper plans to complete all units by March 2025, aiming to establish the world’s largest single-location custom smelter upon completion of the second phase.
Check: Adani Group Stocks
Conclusion: Adani Enterprises’ strategic allocation of Rs.80,000 crore across diverse sectors, emphasizing renewable energy, airports, infrastructure, and manufacturing, signals its commitment to growth and innovation. These investments are poised to enhance sustainability, connectivity, and operational efficiency, positioning the company for significant expansion in the future.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: May 13, 2024, 11:19 AM IST
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