Anupam Rasayan is preparing to launch a Rs 760 crore IPO containing fresh scrips on March 12, 2021. After the price band is announced, the share price surged 58 percent in the grey market and was trading at Rs 875.
If you are an interested investor, here are the key points to help you evaluate the IPO’s merit.
Anupam Rasayan is a strong player engaged in the custom synthesis and manufacturing of specialty chemicals in India. The company has two verticals in which it categorises its products. One is life science-related specialty chemicals, where it produces agrochemicals, personal care, and pharmaceuticals products. The second vertical comprises specialty products in pigment, dyes, and polymer additives.
The specialty chemical producer has a strong customer base across geographics in the US, Europe, and Japan. In December 2020, the company was operating through six multi-purpose, vertically integrated manufacturing units in Gujarat.
On the financial front, the company registered a robust performance with growth in operating revenue and profit. Between FY2018-20, the company’s revenue grew at a CAGR of 24.29 percent annually, while EBITA for FY20 stood at Rs 134.89 crore. Despite the pandemic, the operational revenue of Anupam Rasayan grew by 45.03 percent to Rs 539.22 crores in the nine months between April and December 2020. Export of the company grew at a CAGR of 32.94 percent between FY18-20.
Anupam Rasayan has listed peers including PI industries, Navin Fluorine International Ltd., Astec Lifescience Ltd. with P/E of 695.72x, 32.20x, and 462.73x, respectively. It has a P/E ratio of 72.21 against an industry P/E ratio of 22.63. Anuman Rasayan’s shares priced at Rs 555, the annualised nine months FY21 EPS comes to 69, looks fully priced.
The company’s grey market price surged, indicating strong interest among investors. Its shares were trading at Rs 875 apiece or Rs 320 premium per share. Keeping in mind the steady performance records and strong financials, market specialists suggested that investors subscribe to the Anupam Rasayan IPO offer.
Published on: Mar 10, 2021, 9:30 AM IST
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