Campus Activewear, the leading athleisure and sports brand in India, aims to fetch around Rs. 1,400 crores from its public offer. On 25 April 2022, the IPO has already raised Rs. 418.3 crores from anchor investors.
The issue has obtained bids for 2.92 crore equity shares against an offer of 3.36 crores equity shares. Learn more from the following sections.
The consolidated bid details for the public offer of Campus Activewear as of 26 April 2022, IST 16:03:00, are as follows:
Category |
Subscription Status |
Employees |
0.34 times |
Retail Individual Investors |
1.74 times |
Non-Institutional Investors |
0.95 times |
Qualified Institutional Buyers |
0.09 times |
Total |
1.09 times |
Apply for Campus Activewear IPO
Qualified Institutional buyers bid for 8,32,116 shares out of 95,50,000 shares, while non-institutional investors bought 68,26,911 shares of 71,62,500 shares.
On the other hand, employees bought 68,493 shares out of 2 lakhs shares, and retail investors bid for 2,90,84,076 shares of 1,67,12,500 shares.
The offering is completely an OFS from investors and promoters. So, the entity will not get any money since the selling stakeholders will get the fund. The price band of the issue is between Rs. 278-Rs. 292 each share.
Bottom Line
With the recovery of the Indian economy and the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the business of Campus Activewear will revive. The target segment of the company is flourishing due to enhanced preference for quality and branded footwear, favourable trends in demographics, a rise in disposable earnings and increasing health awareness.
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Published on: Apr 26, 2022, 6:06 PM IST
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