Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has unveiled a new nationwide scheme aimed at providing cashless medical treatment for road accident victims. The initiative, set to launch by March 2025, will cover medical expenses up to ₹1.5 lakh for seven days, ensuring timely and efficient care for accident victims.
The scheme promises cashless medical assistance within 24 hours of an accident report to the police. Victims can avail of this facility in hospitals across India. Families of victims in hit-and-run cases resulting in fatalities will be compensated with ₹2 lakh. The government is working to ensure claims are swiftly approved, reducing delays in medical care.
The scheme follows a successful pilot in Assam, Punjab, Haryana, and Puducherry. It is part of the government’s broader initiative to enhance road safety and reduce fatalities, especially given the alarming statistics: 66% of road accident deaths involve individuals aged 18-34, and 30,000 lives were lost in 2024 due to the non-use of helmets.
To prevent accidents, the government plans to mandate advanced safety technologies for commercial vehicles, including electronic stability control systems, emergency braking systems, and driver drowsiness alerts. These measures aim to improve the safety of buses and trucks.
Additionally, ₹4,500 crore will be invested to establish 1,250 Driver Training Institutes equipped with automated test tracks and RFID systems. Gadkari also highlighted the scrapping policy to phase out outdated vehicles, promoting a circular economy. With 82 scrapping centres already operational, the initiative aims to integrate these facilities with fitness testing stations.
Furthermore, the government will introduce Bharat NCAP safety ratings for e-rickshaws, ensuring improved safety standards without price hikes.
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Published on: Jan 8, 2025, 3:18 PM IST
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