The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), in collaboration with the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), has introduced an innovative e-learning course on municipal bonds. Designed to foster knowledge and skills, this initiative aims to help municipal corporations, urban local bodies, and other stakeholders understand how to leverage municipal bonds for urban infrastructure development.
As part of its ongoing capital market development efforts, SEBI has been conducting outreach programs on municipal bonds across various Indian cities. These programs encourage the issuance of municipal bonds as an alternative funding mechanism for urban infrastructure projects. Recently, at a program held at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, SEBI and NISM unveiled a self-paced e-learning course tailored for officials involved in urban development. Available free of cost until March 31, 2025, the course is a step towards empowering stakeholders with the necessary expertise to fund development projects effectively.
The course spans 10 hours and is designed to educate participants about alternative funding mechanisms, regulatory provisions, compliance for issuing municipal bonds, and investor outreach strategies. It also covers topics like escrow mechanisms, credit ratings, green municipal bonds, and social impact bonds. While primarily targeted at municipal and urban local body officials, the course is equally valuable for policymakers, finance department officials, and advisors. Upon successful completion, participants receive a certification validating their knowledge in this domain.
The SEBI and NISM e-learning initiative on municipal bonds equips key stakeholders with practical tools to fund urban infrastructure projects. With its comprehensive curriculum, the course is a significant step towards fostering sustainable urban development through innovative financial instruments.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. This does not constitute a personal recommendation/investment advice. It does not aim to influence any individual or entity to make investment decisions. Recipients should conduct their own research and assessments to form an independent opinion about investment decisions.
Published on: Jan 16, 2025, 1:57 PM IST
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