Since 2008, eMudhra Limited, which is licensed under the Information Technology Act of India, has been issuing digital signature certificates in India. eMudhra provides a range of solutions to Indian consumers, with a large user base consisting of individuals, corporations, banks, government organizations, and small and medium businesses. eMudhra provides a range of services that are not limited to digital certificate solutions, such as tax filing services, digital signing solutions, a digital certificate authentication system, and trusted time-stamping services.
TWO95 is working in a similar industry where eMudhra has worked for the past 15 years in the segment of digital transformation and cybersecurity-related IT business.
It is expected that the acquisition will be completed within 3–4 weeks due to the customary closing conditions.
After this acquisition, the stock price directly jumps to 4% for eMudhra, and this will continue to increase once the complete accusation is done after 3–4 weeks.
This will give a boost to this stock due to global exposure and show the strength of the eMudhra.
Conclusion: Now this is the new era starting for eMudhra in the USA and global market, and now everyone gets the idea that eMudhra is continuing to rise in its work and getting expansion in local and global markets too.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Jul 1, 2024, 3:53 PM IST
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