January is proving to be a warm month for the IPO market. The two IPOs that are opening in the third week of January have sent the temperature soaring. IRFC IPO is opening on January 18, 2021 (apply here), and Indigo Paints IPO will open on January 20, 2021. If you are interested in Indigo Paints IPO, then read on. In this blog, we will discuss all details related to the offer, like Indigo Paints IPO launch date, Indigo Paints IPO band, and more.
About The Company: Position, Sector, Financials
Indigo Paints is a leading name in the segment of producing water-based decorative paints. From a modest beginning in 2000, the company has grown to become the fifth-largest player in the sector, manufacturing almost all categories of decorative paints like enamels, emulsions, wood coatings, primers, distempers, cement paints, and more. It has also played a pioneering role in producing products like metallic emulsion, bright ceiling coat emulsion, exterior laminate, exterior and interior acrylic laminate, and the like.
The company has recorded strong growth in different categories of products. Per the latest financial statements, its sales grew from 26.68 percent in 2018 to 28.62 during fiscal 2020. In Q2 of FY21, it clocked PTA (profit after tax) of Rs 272.05 million.
Company Strengths
Indigo Paints IPO Details
Indigo Paints IPO is the second IPO of the new year. Here are the critical details of the offer for interested investors.
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Published on: Jan 18, 2021, 12:00 PM IST
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