Today shares of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd hit a fresh 52-week high at Rs 9801.40 and it has a 52-week low of Rs 7557.60. Yesterday the scrip was closed at Rs 9731.85. Today it was opened at Rs 9780.05 and currently, it is trading at Rs 9692.35. The company has given more than 23% return over the past one year. It has an ROE of 14% and a ROCE of 17.7%.
Maruti Suzuki India has achieved an incredible feat by expanding its service network to a remarkable 4,500 touchpoints across the country. With a focus on enhancing customer delight, the company added a record-breaking 310 service touchpoints in FY 2022-23, the highest ever in a financial year. This expansion extends to non-urban markets, ensuring customers in upcountry locations receive top-notch service. Maruti Suzuki has also introduced innovative formats like seven days a week, night service facilities, doorstep service facilities, and service on wheels to its customers.
Today the company unveiled the highly anticipated off-roader ‘Jimny,’ starting at Rs 12,74,000. Deliveries will commence from June 7, 2023, at all NEXA showrooms nationwide. This rugged SUV embodies the spirit of adventure and versatility, captivating SUV enthusiasts. With its captivating design and advanced features, the Jimny strengthens NEXA’s commitment to innovation and a unique customer experience.
Yesterday, the company announced that it is taking a significant step towards carbon neutrality by initiating the construction of two new solar power plants. These plants, with a combined capacity of 21.85 MWp, will be located in Rohtak and Manesar. By 2024-25, Maruti Suzuki aims to fulfil over 30% of its power needs through renewable energy, further solidifying its commitment to sustainability.
Maruti Suzuki India is an automobile manufacturer. It provides passenger cars, utility vehicles and vans. The firm also offers pre-owned car sales from Bard called True Value, fleet management and car financing services.
Published on: Jun 7, 2023, 3:33 PM IST
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