RIL’s fourth-quarter net profit rose 108.36% year-on-year to Rs 13,277 crores. In the previous quarter, the oil-to-telecom conglomerate posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 6,348 crores. Reliance Industries Ltd had a net profit of Rs 13,101 crores in the previous quarter (October-December 2020). RIL’s income generated from operations in the fourth quarter was Rs 1.54 lakhs crores, up from Rs 1.39 lakhs crores in the previous quarter and Rs 1.23 lakhs crores in the October-December quarter.
For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, RIL announced a dividend of Rs 7 per equity share of Rs 10 each. On a low base, most brokerages expected RIL to record a 100% year-on-year increase in net profit.
Jio Platforms, RIL’s telecom and digital providers arm, recorded a 0.5 percent increase in consolidated web revenue to Rs 3,508 crores, which was higher than expectations. The arm’s operating income fell 6.1% sequentially to Rs 18,278 crores, reflecting the negative impact of the farmers’ protests in North India during the quarter. The arm’s average monthly revenue per user fell significantly from the previous quarter to Rs 138.2 per subscriber, falling short of expectations.
Thanks to the easing of pandemic restrictions, more stores were able to reopen during the quarter, resulting in a 20% increase in revenue from operations to an all-time high of Rs 41,296 crores. Grocery and fashion saw all-time high revenues, while strong growth in consumer electronics was aided by higher Jio unit sales. Reliance Retail’s operating efficiency was also strong in the quarter, with working revenue rising 41% year over year to Rs 3,617 crores. The arm’s working margin has increased to 8.8% from 7.4% a year ago.
RIL’s share price dropped 1.42 percent to Rs 1,994.45 per share on the BSE ahead of the Q4 results announcement. RIL’s stock price has dropped 1.3 percent so far in April 2021. It, however, remains below its 52-week high of Rs 2,368 per share.
Published on: May 3, 2021, 9:30 AM IST
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