The Indian benchmark indices Nifty 50 and Sensex returned to positive territory after witnessing continuous red sessions. At 09:17 Nifty 50 stood at 24,255 level, up 74 points 0.31% and Sensex stood at 79,758 level, up 356 points or 0.45%. The benchmark indices sustained their opening gains, both climbing ~1% by midday on October 28. These gains have been backed by the buying in the financial and oil & gas sectors.
At 12:00 PM, Nifty 50 rose 0.96% to 24,413.90 while Sensex grew 1.11% to 80,280.39. 38 out of 50 stocks on Nifty 50 were trading in the green, with increases led by Shriram finance shares, which rose 7.03%. The gains were also supported by Adani Enterprises, M&M, ICICI Bank and IndusInd Bank.
Around 12:00 PM, all 13 sectoral indices were in positive territory, with notable gains in Nifty Auto, Bank, Realty, Media, Metal, and PSU Bank, each rising between 1-3%. Nifty Auto ended a four-day losing streak, while Nifty Metal rebounded with a 2.5% increase after five consecutive days of decline, driven by strong performances from Vedanta and Hindalco.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Oct 28, 2024, 1:16 PM IST
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