On Thursday, the bulls took charge in the Indian stock market as the key NSE benchmark Nifty 50 index continued to climb, closing the weekly expiry trade at an all-time high of 22,967.65, marking a substantial gain of 369.85 points. This surge marked one of the most significant single-day gains since late January 2024.
Fueling the market’s upward trajectory was the announcement by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) of its highest-ever dividend payout of Rs 2.1 lakh crore to the central government. This move not only sets a new record but also injects a significant macroeconomic boost into the market. The effects of this dividend declaration are poised to impact factors such as the fiscal deficit and bond yields, further bolstering investor sentiment. The positive sentiment on D-Street was further buoyed by short covering in banking stocks, contributing to the overall market surge.
Read: RBI to Pay Highest-Ever Dividend to Government
With the Nifty 50 index reaching new heights, investors are now pondering what the future holds. Despite the record-breaking rally, there are several factors signaling a cautious stance moving forward. While Thursday’s robust 370-point upswing was impressive, it was accompanied by negative market breadth, raising doubts about the sustainability of the rally. Furthermore, the index closing above the Bollinger Bands suggests a potential overextension in the price rally. Additionally, the Nifty 50 faces resistance at the 23,150 mark within its rising channel, adding another layer of caution.
In light of these considerations, market participants would be wise to proceed with caution. While large-cap stocks are anticipated to continue performing well, it’s possible that small-cap stocks may struggle to keep pace. As such, strategic stock selection will be paramount in navigating the evolving market landscape.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: May 23, 2024, 6:40 PM IST
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