On July 23, 2024, the Indian equity indices declined for the third consecutive session, influenced by various announcements made by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Union Budget speech. At close, the Sensex was down 0.09% at 80,429.04, and the Nifty was down 0.12% at 24,479.
Among the sectors, Nifty FMCG, Nifty Consumer Durables, Nifty Media, and Nifty IT saw gains, while Nifty Realty, Nifty PSU Bank, Nifty Oil and Gas, and Nifty Metal witnessed declines. In terms of top movers, the top gainers were Titan, ITC, Tata Consumers, and Torrent Pharma, whereas the top losers were IRFC, PFC, Siemens, and REC Ltd.
Now, let’s look at the stocks trending in the news:
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