RVNL has once again got the big deal of Rs. 132,59,20,130.37 crore in OHE work that it should complete in the next 24 months. As we know, this company is always bidding lower than all the other bidders and delivering results and work on time.
RVNL (Rail Vikas Nigam Limited) and KRDCL (Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited) have entered into a partnership to execute the contract worth Rs 156.47 crore. RVNL holds a 49 percent stake in the contract, indicating their significant involvement in the project. On the other hand, KRDCL holds the remaining percentage, suggesting that they also play a crucial role in the implementation of the contract.
This news of RVNL being the lowest bidder for the OHE project has clearly had a positive impact on investor confidence in the company. The fact that they have secured such a major project from Central Railway is a testament to their capabilities and expertise in the field. This has led to a surge in buying activity, with investors eager to capitalize on the potential growth opportunities that this project could bring.
The 2% jump in stock price is just the beginning, as more positive developments are expected to follow. With this new project under its belt, RVNL is poised for further success and growth in the future.
Many anticipate RVNL as a multi-bagger stock because of the projections every time they are getting it with lower bidding and always bagging excellent projects from all over India. The government is going to gear up and is also going to invest more money to connect via railway, and as per the current speed of the RVNL, we can expect that they are going to bag more projects.
Conclusion: RVNL stock has consistently shown strong performance and growth potential, making it a reliable choice for long-term investors. The company’s track record of delivering projects on time and efficiently demonstrates its ability to execute effectively, which bodes well for future success.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Jul 3, 2024, 2:59 PM IST
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