The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has launched a web-based portal, Integrated SEBI Portal for Technical Glitches (iSPOT), for reporting technical issues faced by stock exchanges and other market infrastructure institutions (MIIs). This new system aims to streamline the submission of preliminary and final Root Cause Analysis (RCA) reports and establish a centralised repository for such incidents.
Previously, MIIs, including stock exchanges, clearing corporations, and depositories, were required to submit reports on technical glitches via a dedicated email ID. With the introduction of iSPOT, SEBI has moved to a structured web-based reporting system. MIIs will now submit their preliminary and RCA reports through this portal, ensuring better data quality, historical traceability, and improved compliance monitoring.
SEBI highlighted that iSPOT will provide automated reminders to MIIs regarding RCA submissions and generate system-driven reports for regulatory oversight. The portal has been integrated with SEBI’s Intermediary (SI) portal, allowing MIIs to access it using their existing login credentials. The circular announcing this change states that the new system will be operational from 3rd February.
By introducing iSPOT, SEBI aims to enhance transparency and efficiency in monitoring technical glitches across market infrastructure institutions. The centralised system will enable a more structured approach to handling and analysing such incidents.
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Published on: Jan 29, 2025, 2:33 PM IST
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