Domestic benchmark indices Nifty and Sensex ended their week-long gaining streak on Tuesday. Although Sensex touched an all-time high in the morning, it slipped 50 points to reach 61,716. Similarly, Nifty 50 dropped to 18,418 at the end of the day after falling from 18,604.
Notably, broader markets entered the red zone as Nifty Midcap 50 closed at 2.22% lower and Smallcap 50 slipped by 1.47%. The most significant gainers were Tech Mahindra, Bajaj Finserv, Infosys, and Larsen & Toubro. Tech Mahindra has been the biggest winner on the stock market with a 4.12% gain.
Here are some of the significant developments that took place in the domestic stock market on Tuesday.
The domestic equity market witnessed volatile trading on Tuesday and ended up flat with a negative bias. Sensex dropped 50 points or 0.08% lower and closed at 61,716 while Nifty 50 touched 18,418. Notably, the broader market performed even poorer than both the benchmark indices.
Nifty Realty index was down 4.76%, while the Nifty PSU Bank Index declined 3.74%. Nifty IT also saw significant gains.
Technical analysts and trading experts have cautioned investors that they should wait for now to watch the market. They believe investors need to avoid making hasty decisions.
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Auto, FMCG, metal, and PSU banking sectors dropped, thereby pulling down the indices further.
HUL shares dropped 2.5% to trade at Rs. 2,588.4 per share.
The advance-decline ratio for Tuesday stood at 1:4.
Published on: Oct 20, 2021, 12:02 AM IST
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