The IPO of Sapphire Foods India, which began earlier this week, was subscribed 6.62 times on its final day, as per BSE data. Sapphire Foods, which operates the Pizza Hut and KFC outlets in India, launched its Rs. 2,073 crores IPO on 9 November 2021. It was entirely an OFS of 1.75 crores shares by existing shareholders, with a price band of Rs. 1,120 – Rs. 1,180 a share.
The IPO managed to receive bids for more than 6.39 crores shares against issue size of more than 96.63 lakhs.
According to the IPO timeline of Sapphire Foods, the allotment of shares will take place on 16 November 2021. Investors can review their allotment status through any of the following methods.
To check the allotment status details of Sapphire Foods IPO on the BSE website, here’s what you need to do:
Step 1: Go to the official website of the Bombay Stock Exchange.
Step 2: Find the ‘Investors’ tab and then click on ‘Investor Services’.
Step 3: Select ‘Status of Issue Application’.
Step 4: Now, click on the ‘Application Status Check’ option.
Step 5: Select the ‘Equity’ box located next to ‘Issue Type’.
Step 6: Click on Sapphire Foods India Limited in the ‘issue name’ drop-down box.
Step 7: Put the necessary information of your IPO subscription, such as PAN card number and IPO application number.
Step 8: Tap on ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox and click on ‘Submit’.
The allotment status details will come up on the screen. You can also check your allotment status through the Angel One app.
Here’s a detailed guide to check your Sapphire Foods IPO allotment details through the Angel One app:
Step 1: Open the Angel One app and log in to your Demat account.
Step 2: Tap on the ‘Investment Opportunities’ option.
Step 3: Now, select the ‘IPOs and FPOs’ option.
Step 4: Tap on the ‘Order Book’ option.
Once done, you can view your allotment status details. You will usually find any of the following three as your IPO allotment status:
Allotted: This status will appear if you receive the full allotment of the shares that you applied for.
Partially-allotted: It indicates that you have received only a certain portion of the shares that you had bid for.
No Allotment: A No Allotment status would mean that you were not able to secure an allotment in the IPO.
Alternatively, you can also find the allotment status details on the website of Sapphire Foods IPO registrar. Link Intime India Private Ltd is the registrar for this IPO.
Those who receive a full or partial allotment of shares in the Sapphire Foods IPO will receive the shares in their Demat accounts on 18 November 2021. However, bidders who do not get an allotment can expect to get refunds on 17 November 2021.
Sapphire Foods India is the biggest operator of YUM brand in the Indian subcontinent by revenue. It owns and operates 204 KFC outlets in Maldives and India, 2 Taco Bell outlets in Sri Lanka, and 231 Pizza Hut outlets in Sri Lanka, India and Maldives. It successfully expanded its footprint across India and neighbouring regions by increasing its outlets and restaurants from 376 to 437 between 2019 and 2021.
The company enjoys a strong brand reputation along with robust financials. These factors have enabled it to make its IPO successful. The key highlights of Sapphire Foods IPO include:
Sapphire Foods India decided to opt for a public offering to achieve the benefits of getting listed on stock exchanges. It planned to offload more than 1.75 crores equity shares through its IPO.
Bidders can use any of the methods mentioned above to check their allotment status details for Sapphire Foods. It is essential to keep all the necessary details handy to streamline the status check process. Those who fail to get an allotment in this IPO can buy shares of Sapphire Foods India once the shares are listed.
For more information about the upcoming IPOs, follow the Angel One blogs.
Sapphire Foods India will list its shares on both BSE and NSE.
The listing date for Sapphire Foods IPO is 22 November 2021.
You will require only your PAN number and IPO application number to review allotment status for Sapphire Foods IPO.
Published on: Nov 12, 2021, 12:02 AM IST
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