The Indian stock market witnessed a historic moment as the NSE benchmark Nifty 50 index soared past the 22,800 mark for the first time ever. This remarkable achievement was driven primarily by strong performances in the banking sector, with the Bank Nifty index surging nearly 1.5%, hovering close to the 48,500 mark. However, amidst this market euphoria, one stock that stood out was Surana Solar Ltd., which saw a significant uptick on Thursday.
Surana Solar Ltd. made headlines as its stock hit an upper circuit of 5% on Thursday. This surge was attributed to the company’s announcement of a new line of business. The company revealed its plans to venture into the manufacturing and trading of defence-related equipment, accessories, components, and products. This strategic move is expected to bring several benefits to the company.
The company plans to invest approximately Rs. 10 crore in the initial stages of this new business venture, demonstrating its commitment to diversification and growth.
Surana Solar Limited, formerly known as Surana Ventures Limited, was incorporated in 2006 and is a flagship company of the Surana Group. The company ventured into the solar energy business in 2008, focusing on the manufacture of solar PV modules. Through a Scheme of Arrangement, the “Solar Undertaking” of Surana Telecom and Power Limited, a group company, was merged with Surana Solar Ltd.
Surana Solar Ltd. boasts manufacturing facilities at Cherlapally and FAB City in Hyderabad, both of which have ISO 9001: 2008 certification accredited by AQA International LLC, Dubai. The company’s products and systems have received approvals from various prestigious test agencies, including EURO TEST Laboratories and TUV INTER CERT.
The company is renowned for its expertise in providing complete Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) solutions for large-scale commercial solar power plants. This capability has cemented its reputation as a leading player in the solar energy sector.
As of the fiscal year 2023 (FY23), Surana Solar Ltd. primarily drives its revenue from the solar energy sector. However, with the new venture into defence-related manufacturing, the company is poised for a transformative journey towards diversification and growth.
In conclusion, Surana Solar Ltd.’s strategic move into the defence sector marks a significant milestone in its journey.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. The information is based on various secondary sources on the internet and is subject to change. Please consult with a financial expert before making investment decisions.
Published on: May 23, 2024, 4:01 PM IST
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