Today, the broader indices, including Nifty 50 and BSE Sensex, closed the session in the green. The Nifty50 index opened the day at 19375, which was 69 points higher than the previous day’s closing level of 19306. It eventually concluded the day at 19343, up by 37 points or 0.19%. Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex closed at 65076, marking a gain of 79 points from the previous day’s closing level.
In this article, we will explore the stocks that have reached new 52-week highs, considering the company’s previous 52-week prices recorded in the year 2022.
Company Name | CMP Rs | % Change | New 52-Week Price Rs | Prv. 52-Week High Price Rs | Prv. 52-Week High date |
Vaibhav Global Limited | 440 | 11.46 | 470.0 | 418.0 | 08-Sep-22 |
Orient Press Limited | 94.6 | 19.97 | 94.6 | 86.0 | 23-Sep-22 |
Apollo Sindoori Hotels Limited | 1763.8 | 5.00 | 1763.8 | 1763.0 | 11-Oct-22 |
DCX Systems Limited | 335.8 | 11.62 | 343.6 | 319.0 | 11-Nov-22 |
It has created a niche for itself in the global retail space, especially in the jewellery, accessories, and lifestyle product segments of two of the largest economies of the world that is the US and the UK.
Today, the company’s shares surged by 11.46%, concluding the session at Rs 440 on the NSE. The company’s market capitalisation stands at Rs 7310 crore.
During Q1 FY24, the company’s revenue experienced growth of 4.8%, increasing from Rs 628 crore to Rs 658 crore. The company achieved an operating profit of Rs 58 crore, with an operating profit margin of 9%. However, the company reported a net profit amounted to Rs 30 crore. The company’s ROCE and ROE are 11% and 9%, respectively. Moreover, the stock has generated a return of 49% over the past three months.
It is engaged in the printing of capital market stationery, commercial and security printing, and the manufacturing of flexible packaging material.
Today, the company’s shares surged by 19.97%, concluding the session at Rs 95 on the NSE. The company’s market capitalization stands at Rs 7310 crore.
During Q1 FY24, the company’s revenue experienced a growth of 0.24%, increasing from Rs 41.41 crore to Rs 41.51 crore. The operating profit of the company is Rs 1.64 crore, with an operating profit margin of 4%. The net loss of the company stood at Rs 0.66 crore. Additionally, the stock has generated a return of 52% over the past three months.
It is engaged in the business of managing food outlets at hospitals and reputed organizations. The company also undertakes Outdoor Catering Services, providing skilled manpower to hospitals, etc. It prepares over 45,000 meals every day.
Today, the company’s shares surged by 5%, concluding the session at Rs 1764 on the NSE. The company’s market capitalisation stands at Rs 459 crore.
During Q1 FY24, the company’s revenue experienced an increase of 110%, rising from Rs 57.75 crore to Rs 121.04 crore. The company achieved an operating profit of Rs 7.01 crore, with an operating profit margin of 5.8%. The net profit amounted to Rs 3.83 crore. The company’s ROCE and ROE are 11% and 10%, respectively. However, the stock has generated a return of 22% over the past three months.
It was Incorporated in 2011, The company is engaged in the business of System Integration and Cable and wire Harnessing.
Today, the company’s shares surged by 11.7%, concluding the session at Rs 335.8 on the NSE. The company’s market capitalisation stands at Rs 3252 crore.
During Q1 FY24, the company’s revenue experienced a decline of 20.23%, rising from Rs 213.25 crore to Rs 170.10 crore. The company achieved an operating profit of Rs 7.88 crore, with an operating profit margin of 4.6%. The net profit amounted to Rs 9.85 crore. The company’s ROCE and ROE are 13% and 21%, respectively. However, the stock has generated a return of 69% over the past three months.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet, and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Aug 29, 2023, 6:27 PM IST
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