Today, the broader indices, NSE Nifty50 and BSE Sensex, ended the day in the green. The Nifty50 closed at 22,097, marking an increase of 202.90 points or 0.93% compared to the previous day’s closing level. Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex concluded at 73,328, reflecting an increase of 760 points.
Among all the stocks listed on the NSE, 284 stocks reached their 52-week high levels. We will be exploring those stocks that not only achieved their 52-week highs but also experienced a surge and closed above 15%.
Tera Software is in the business of IT and Integrated related services. TSL is a professional service provider company in the IT industry and has executed BOOT projects across 22 states of India, with over 3000 outlets across the country.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 63.45 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 20% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 75.30 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered a return of 61% during the past six months.
Dredging Corporation of India Limited is engaged in providing integrated dredging services to ports, the Indian Navy, and other maritime organizations in India.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 627.95 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 19.99% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 748.40 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered a return of 106% during the past six months.
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd provides financial assistance to the tourism sector, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, food courts, amusement parks, ropeways, multiplexes, etc.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 140 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 19.99% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 171.10 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered an impressive return of 113% in a week.
Incorporated in 1927 in Thrissur, Kerala, Dhanlaxmi Bank Ltd is a publicly held banking company that provides an extensive range of banking and financial services. These services encompass retail banking, corporate banking, and treasury operations, with a significant concentration in the Southern states.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 37.75 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 19.97% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 43.55 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered an impressive return of 98% in the past six months.
SBC Exports Ltd was incorporated in 2011 and is involved in the trading and manufacturing of garments, as well as providing manpower supply services and tour operator services. Presently, the company boasts a network of 70 distributors across India and receives an average of 75 new projects annually.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 31.90 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 18.97% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 37.00 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered an impressive return of 80% in the past six months.
Incorporated in 1986, Indian Railway Finance Corporation borrows funds from the financial markets to finance the acquisition or creation of assets. These assets are subsequently leased out to the Indian Railways as part of finance lease arrangements.
Today, the stock began trading at Rs 116.70 per share, witnessed a strong rally of 16.40% throughout the day, and eventually closed at Rs 132.00 per share. Notably, the company’s stock reached its 52-week high price today. Furthermore, the stock has delivered an impressive return of 80% in the past six months.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Jan 15, 2024, 6:52 PM IST
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