The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended the deadline for free Aadhaar updates to June 14, 2025. This extension offers users more time to update their Aadhaar details online without incurring any charges. The move is aimed at maintaining demographic accuracy and encouraging residents to verify and update their information, particularly for Aadhaar issued more than a decade ago.
The myAadhar portal allows free updates for demographic details like name,date of birth, address and mobile number. However, any changes to biometric data- such as fingerprints, iris scans or photographs require a visit to an authorised aadhar centre, where a nominal fee is applicable.
Step 1: Visit the Aadhaar Self-Service portal on the official UIDAI website.
Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar number, captcha, and authenticate using the OTP sent to your registered mobile.
Step 3: Go to the ‘Document Update’ section to view and verify your current Aadhaar details.
Step 4: Select the appropriate document type and upload a clear scanned copy (JPEG, PNG, or PDF, max size 2 MB).
Step 5: Note the 14-digit Update Request Number (URN) for tracking the update status.
Step 6: After approval, download the updated Aadhaar card from the portal.
Regular updates to aadhar details are essential for accessing government services, welfare schemes, income tax filing, and travel bookings. It also reduces the risk of misuse, fraud, and identity errors. UIDAI urges residents, particularly those with Aadhaar cards older than 10 years or minors turning 15, to update before the deadline.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Dec 19, 2024, 4:17 PM IST
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