Shares of United Heat Transfer IPO began trading on October 29, 2024, with a listing price of Rs 60.95 on NSE SME, marking a modest 3.3% premium over its issue price of Rs 59. The initial excitement was short-lived, with the share price slipping to Rs 58.80 by 12:15 pm, down from the day’s high of Rs 63.95, which was the peak for the day.
United Heat Transfer IPO, priced between Rs 56 and Rs 59 per share, opened for subscription from October 22 to October 24. The Rs 30 crore IPO saw high demand, closing with an impressive subscription of 83.70 times. The retail investor segment was particularly active, subscribed 98.93 times, while the non-institutional investors (NII) segment reached 124.72 times subscription. Qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) also showed interest, with the category subscribed 26.56 times.
The United Heat Transfer IPO was structured as a fresh issue of 50.84 lakh shares, raising a total of Rs 30 crore. Notably, it did not include an offer-for-sale (OFS) component, ensuring all proceeds were directed toward the company’s growth. On October 21, United Heat Transfer secured Rs 8.64 crore from anchor investors, reinforcing early confidence in the IPO.
Proceeds from the IPO are allocated across key strategic areas to bolster the company’s financial and operational position. Firstly, a portion of the funds will be used to repay existing debt, which aims to improve the company’s financial health. Additionally, part of the capital is allocated for incremental working capital, essential to support operational scalability and future growth. Lastly, the funds will cover general corporate expenses, positioning the company for continued expansion and operational enhancement.
Disclaimer: This blog has been written exclusively for educational purposes. The securities mentioned are only examples and not recommendations. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making related decisions.
Published on: Oct 29, 2024, 2:22 PM IST
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