Veeda Clinical Research has filed preliminary papers with SEBI to raise funds worth Rs. 831.60 crores via an initial share sale. As per the DRHP, this public issue will comprise fresh issuance of equity shares worth Rs. 331.60 crores. Moreover, it will include an offer for sale (OFS) of Rs. 500 crores.
As part of the secondary issue, CX Alternative Investment Fund will be offloading equity shares worth not more than Rs. 8.08 crores. Arabelle Financial Services Ltd. and Bondway Investments Inc. will sell holdings encompassing Rs. 259.77 crores. Furthermore, this OFS will include equity shares worth a maximum of Rs. 141.93 crores and Rs. 0.40 million by Basil Pvt Ltd and Stevey International.
Here are some vital information related to the forthcoming initial public offering of Veeda Clinical Research:
Veeda Clinical Research aims to fulfil these objectives by raising funds via initial public offering:
For investors who are considering whether to apply for Veeda Clinical Research IPO, it is imperative to know essential details regarding this Ahmedabad-based company. To find out what they are, read on!
Veeda Clinical Research offers a wide variety of bioequivalence studies along with trials to pharmaceutical companies. Till now, this company has conducted over 3,500 trials. Moreover, it has completed over 85 regulatory inspections all around the world. This company has five facilities in total. Out of them, one unit is located in Mehsana while the rest are in Ahmedabad.
The following are some key strengths of Veeda Clinical Research:
From the table below, investors can get an idea regarding the financial position of Veeda Clinical Research:
Financial Year | Total Revenue | Total Assets | Profit after Tax |
2018-19 | 2,238.93 million | 1,547.35 million |
441.59 million |
2019-20 | 1,536.81 million | 1,547.35 million |
(0.43) million |
2020-21 | 2,343.83 million | 2,855.00 million | 632.89 million |
Veeda Clinical Research has a favourable position in the industry. Furthermore, if it manages to fulfil the objectives by allocating funds raised via the IPO efficiently, it can strengthen its presence even furthermore.
However, Investors who are interested in Veeda Clinical Research IPO must consider various other aspects, such as weaknesses and threats of this company. Moreover, they might want to do a competitor analysis before placing the IPO order.
The book running managers to Veeda’s upcoming public issue are JM Financial, ICICI Securities, Systematix Corporate Services and SBI Capital Markets.
CX Alternative Investment Fund owns 2.98% of Veeda’s shares. Arabelle Financial, Bondway Investments and Basil hold 4.51%, 28.36%, and 52.42%, respectively. That said, Stevey International Corporation owns 0.002% of the company’s equity shares.
To apply for Veeda Clinical Research IPO, new investors may choose to open a DEMAT account with Angel One. Nevertheless, if you already have a trading account with Angel One, you can log in to your account via the Angel One app and place the IPO order conveniently.
Published on: Sep 30, 2021, 12:11 AM IST
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