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Bharat Electronics Ltd FAQs
What is the share price of Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares?
Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) share price as of February 21, 2025, on NSE is Rs 256.1 (NSE) and Rs 256.1 (BSE) on BSE.
Can I buy Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) from Angel One?
Yes, You can buy Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
How do I buy Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) from Angel One?
Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) share can be bought through the following modes:
1. Direct investment: You can buy Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares.
1. Direct investment: You can buy Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) shares.
What is the record date for the bonus shares of BEL?
The record date for receiving the bonus shares of BEL is 16 September 2022.
Does BEL give dividends?
Yes, BEL gives dividends to its shareholders on a regular basis. Since 2001, BEL has given dividends 45 times.
Is BEL a Debt free Company?
Yes, BEL is a debt free company.
What is the main business of BEL?
The main business of BEL is to manufacture advanced electronic products for defence and aerospace industry applications. It is a public-sector undertaking under the Ministry of Defence of India.
Who are the promoters of BEL?
The main promoter of BEL is the President of India with a 51.14% shareholding.
What are the Subsidiaries that comes under BEL?
The two main subsidiaries that come under BEL are BEL Optronic Devices Limited (BELOP) and BEL-THALES Systems Limited (BTSL).