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Elgi Equipments Ltd FAQs
What is the share price of Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares?
Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) share price as of February 21, 2025, on NSE is Rs 476.6 (NSE) and Rs 476.6 (BSE) on BSE.
Can I buy Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) from Angel One?
Yes, You can buy Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
How do I buy Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) from Angel One?
Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) share can be bought through the following modes:
1. Direct investment: You can buy Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares.
1. Direct investment: You can buy Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Elgi Equipments Ltd (ELGIEQUIP) shares.
What is the main business of Elgi Equipments ?
Elgi Equipments Limited is engaged in the production and distribution of air compressors and automotive equipment, as well as offering associated after-sales services.
Who are the promoters of Elgi Equipments ?
Dark Horse Portfolio Investment Private Limited, Jairam Varadaraj, and Elgi Ultra Industries Limited are the major promoters of Elgi Equipments.
What are the Subsidiaries that comes under Elgi Equipments ?
ATS Elgi Ltd, Elgi Compressors USA Inc, Elgi Industrial Products Ltd, Elgi Equipments (Zhejiang) Ltd, Elgi Gulf FZE, Elgi Equipments Australia, Patton's Inc, Michigan Air Solutions LLC and Ergo Design Pvt Ltd are some of the subsidiaries of Elgi Equipments.