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Mrf Ltd FAQs
What is the share price of Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares?
Mrf Ltd (MRF) share price as of February 21, 2025, on NSE is Rs 109263.3 (NSE) and Rs 109263.3 (BSE) on BSE.
Can I buy Mrf Ltd (MRF) from Angel One?
Yes, You can buy Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
How do I buy Mrf Ltd (MRF) from Angel One?
Mrf Ltd (MRF) share can be bought through the following modes:
1. Direct investment: You can buy Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares.
1. Direct investment: You can buy Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Mrf Ltd (MRF) shares.
What is the main business of MRF?
The main business of MRF is to manufacture tyres. Other product offerings include Funskool, paints, sports goods, pretreads, and coats. It also provides T&S, tyredrome, MRF Faast, Tiretok, muscle zone, and MIDD services.
Who are the promoters of MRF?
Some of the main promoters of MRF are Comprehensive Investment and Finance Company Pvt. Ltd., Peninsular Investments Private Limited, K M Mammen (sole) & K M Mammen (jointly with Arun Mammen), Jacob Mammen, Meera Philip, Arun Mammen, Braga Industries LLP, Jacob Mathew, Beebi Mammen, Meera Mammen, and Rachel Kattukaran.
What are the Subsidiaries that comes under MRF?
Some of the subsidiaries that come under MRF are MRF Corp Ltd., MRF International Ltd., MRF (Lanka) Private Ltd., and MRF SG Pte. Ltd.