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Ncc Limited FAQs
What is the share price of Ncc Limited (NCC) shares?
Ncc Limited (NCC) share price as of February 5, 2025, on NSE is Rs 239.9 (NSE) and Rs 239.9 (BSE) on BSE.
Can I buy Ncc Limited (NCC) from Angel One?
Yes, You can buy Ncc Limited (NCC) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
How do I buy Ncc Limited (NCC) from Angel One?
Ncc Limited (NCC) share can be bought through the following modes:
1. Direct investment: You can buy Ncc Limited (NCC) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Ncc Limited (NCC) shares.
1. Direct investment: You can buy Ncc Limited (NCC) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Ncc Limited (NCC) shares.
What is the main business of NCC?
NCC is a construction firm that carries out infrastructure projects like the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, and water distribution networks. They do both construction and real estate development.
Who are the promoters of NCC?
The major promoters of NCC Limited are A V S R Holdings Private Ltd, Alluri Ananta Venkata Ranga Raju and Sirisha Projects Private Limited.
What are the Subsidiaries that comes under NCC?
NCC has several subsidiaries, including NCC Infrastructure Holdings Limited, NCC Power Projects Limited, NCC Urban Infrastructure Limited, and NCC International Projects Limited, among others.