Debt ETF

Debt ETFs are exchange-traded funds that track indices in the debt market in India. The debt market includes fixed-income instruments like government bonds, corporate bonds, treasury bills and certificates of deposit, among others. The best debt ETFs in India offer a combination of high liquidity and low expense ratios, coupled with stable performance.

Top 5 ETFs


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Equity ETF

Tracks stock market indices providing diversified exposure to the market.

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Debt ETF

Offers exposure to bonds with the potential for steady returns.

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Gold ETF

Tracks physical gold prices and provides an easy way to invest in gold.

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Silver ETF

Provides exposure to silver as an alternative investment option.

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Global ETF

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What is a Debt ETF?

A debt exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of mutual fund where the funds collected from investors are used to purchase a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities. The portfolio of a debt ETF is constructed in such a way that it mirrors a debt market index, such as the Nifty BHARAT Bond Index – April 2025 or the Nifty 5 yr Benchmark G-Sec Index. 

The fund manager’s role in managing a debt fund ETF is very minimal. The fund is passively managed with the changes being made to the portfolio only if there is a change in the underlying index that the ETF tracks. As a result of such passive management, the expense ratios of debt ETFs are far lower than traditional debt mutual funds.

Since debt ETFs invest in fixed-income securities, they provide steady returns and are considered a relatively low-risk investment option compared to equity-focused ETFs. These funds are ideal for investors seeking stable income and lower volatility.

How Do Debt ETFs Work?

Debt ETFs essentially track a debt index. As a result, the performance of the funds is directly influenced by their benchmark index. For instance, if the benchmark indexes decline due to rising interest rates, the debt ETF prices will also fall and vice versa. 

Unlike traditional debt mutual funds, debt ETFs are listed and traded on stock exchanges. This essentially means that you can freely purchase and sell units of these funds at any time during market hours by placing orders through a trading account. Furthermore, the price of a debt ETF’s unit fluctuates as they are bought and sold in the market. 

Due to their direct pricing mechanism, cost-efficiency and transparent holding structure, debt ETF funds are often the simplest way to gain exposure to fixed-income securities like government bonds, corporate bonds and money market instruments. 

Types of Debt ETFs

Debt ETFs in India can be divided into different categories based on the composition of the indices they track. The list of debt ETFs in India includes the following types of funds. 

  1. Government Bond ETFs: These exchange-traded funds invest in securities issued or backed by the government. They typically offer maximum security and stability to the investor, making them ideal for those with low tolerance to risk. 
  2. Corporate Bond ETFs: Corporate bond ETFs invest in debt instruments issued by companies with high credit ratings. The best debt ETFs in this category focus on AAA-rated instruments. 
  3. Short-Term Debt ETFs: These funds on the debt ETF list mirror indices that have short-term horizons. They invest in debt instruments with shorter maturities, like treasury bills and short-term bonds. 
  4. Target Maturity Debt ETFs: Target maturity debt ETFs mirror indices that have a defined maturity date. This characteristic feature offers some level of predictability for long-term investors with specific investment horizons in mind.
  5. Sector-Specific Debt ETFs: Sector-specific debt ETFs in India reflect indices that focus on specific sectors like infrastructure or state government bonds. They allow investors to align with specific segments but may carry higher risks due to limited diversification.

Benefits of Investing in Debt ETFs

Investing in the funds on the debt ETF list in India can be beneficial for conservative and aggressive investors in different ways. Here are the top benefits of these exchange-traded funds. 

  1. Liquidity: Debt ETFs are traded on stock exchanges, just like stocks. So, they offer the advantage of high liquidity and allow you to buy or sell units anytime during market hours. Unlike traditional fixed-income instruments, they offer more flexibility and help you seize market opportunities easily.
  2. Low-Cost Structure: Debt ETFs typically have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed mutual funds. Since they follow a passive investment strategy, their operational and management costs are reduced. This makes them a cost-efficient alternative for investors who want to optimise returns without bearing high fees.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Investing in debt ETFs allows you to access a diversified basket of bonds and debt securities. This distributes the risk across various issuers and maturity periods. With such diversification, you can reduce the overall risk in your portfolio. Even aggressive investors can make their investments more stable with debt ETFs.
  4. Transparency: Debt ETFs offer the advantage of transparency because they track publicly available indices and disclose their portfolio holdings regularly. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of the underlying securities when you invest in a debt exchange-traded fund.

Who Should Invest in Debt ETFs?

The funds on the list of debt ETFs in India may be suitable for different types of investors. Here is a closer look at investors who may benefit from including debt exchange-traded funds in their portfolios. 

  1. Conservative Investors: Debt ETFs may be ideal for conservative investors seeking stable and predictable returns. With their low-risk profile, these funds offer a reliable option for those who prioritise capital preservation and steady income over high-risk, high-reward equity investments.
  2. Short-Term Investors: Investors with short-term financial goals may benefit from including short-term debt exchange-traded funds in their portfolios. These goals may range from saving up for a vacation to creating an emergency fund. Short-term debt ETFs offer liquidity and stability and allow easy access to funds when needed.
  3. Retirees: Retirees looking for consistent income with minimal risk can also benefit from the options on the debt ETFs list. These funds provide a regular income stream through interest payments while simultaneously preserving capital. So, they emerge as a dependable choice for those prioritising post-retirement financial stability.
  4. Long-Term Investors: Long-term investors seeking predictable outcomes can also consider debt ETFs with target maturities. Holding these funds until maturity can align the potential returns with your long-term goals — whether they include education, wedding, home renovation or retirement planning.
  5. Diversification-Focused Investors: Investors who want to balance their equity-heavy portfolios invest in debt ETFs in India for easy diversification. These funds reduce the overall volatility in a portfolio by offsetting the risks associated with equities. This, in turn, ensures a more stable investment approach.

How to Choose the Right Debt ETF?

Selecting one or more funds from the list of debt ETFs in India can be daunting if you do not know how to get started. Here are some actionable pointers that can help you with this. 

  1. Know Your Investment Goals: Obtain clarity on why you're investing. Are you looking for regular income, wealth preservation, or funding a specific future expense? Knowing your purpose will help narrow down debt ETFs that align with your goals, whether they are short-term or long-term.
  2. Determine Your Investment Horizon: Ensure you are clear about how long you want to stay invested. If you want to meet a short-term goal, consider ETFs that align with that timeframe. For long-term goals, choose funds with maturity periods matching your investment duration to maximise returns and reduce reinvestment risks.
  3. Analyse Your Risk Tolerance: Although the best debt ETFs in the market are reliable, not all funds are low-risk options. Some may be riskier than others. This is why you must reflect on how much risk you're comfortable taking. If you prefer stability, opt for debt ETFs that focus on lower-risk instruments like government bonds.
  4. Understand Underlying Indices: To further comprehend if an exchange-traded fund is right for you, you need to understand its underlying index. This will help you determine if the ETF that tracks the said index aligns with your goals, risk and overall investment time frame. 
  5. Evaluate Portfolio Compatibility: Ensure the debt ETFs you choose complement your existing investments and do not overlap with them. For example, if you already have equity-heavy holdings, adding debt ETFs can provide balance and stability. Your choice should integrate well with your broader financial strategy.

How to Invest in Debt ETFs?

Step 1: Log into the Angel One app with your mobile number or client ID. 

Step 2: Select the ‘ETF’ option on the app’s homepage. 

Step 3: Look through the debt ETF list and select your preferred fund. 

Step 4: Select ‘Buy’ and then click one-time investment or SIP.

Step 5: Specify your desired purchase price and quantity of ETF units. 

Step 6: Select the ‘Buy’ option to place an order.

Debt ETFs vs. Stock Investing

Debt ETFs and stock investing cater to different investment goals and risk profiles. As an investor, you must understand the differences between the two to make an informed investment decision. Here are the key points of distinction between investing in debt ETF funds and stocks.


Debt ETFs

Stock Investing


Debt ETFs focus on generating steady income and preserving capital by investing in fixed-income securities that track a debt market index.

The primary objective of stock investing is capital appreciation and wealth creation. 

Underlying Assets

The underlying assets in debt ETFs can be government bonds, corporate bonds or money market instruments.

The underlying assets are shares of companies. 

Risk Level

The risk associated with debt ETFs is comparatively lower than stocks.

Stock investing involves higher risk due to market volatility and price swings.

Return Potential

The returns from debt fund ETFs generally tend to be moderate.

Stock investing has the potential to deliver much higher returns in the long run compared to debt funds.


Debt ETFs remain relatively stable with minimal price fluctuations compared to equity investments.

Stocks are more prone to high volatility with frequent price changes.

Investment Horizon

Debt ETF funds are suitable for short to medium-term horizons. 

Stock investing is more suitable for long-term wealth building.


Debt ETFs are usually very liquid and can be easily traded on the exchanges.

Liquidity is highly dependent on the stock being traded.

Risk Factors in Debt ETFs

Although investing in debt ETFs in India has plenty of benefits, they also carry a lot of risks. Understanding what they are can help you make informed investment decisions. Here is a brief overview of some of the key risks associated with debt fund ETFs.

  1. Interest Rate Risk: Interest rate changes significantly impact the performance of debt ETFs. The prices of underlying bonds in the ETF typically fall when interest rates rise, which reduces the ETF’s value. The interest rate risk is higher for debt ETF funds holding long-term bonds as their prices are more sensitive to interest rate changes. 
  2. Credit Risk: Credit risk arises when bond issuers default on their payments. This risk is particularly relevant for debt fund ETFs that invest in corporate bonds or lower-rated securities. Even a slight deterioration in the credit rating of a bond can negatively affect investment value.
  3. Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk arises when it becomes difficult to buy or sell ETF units or the underlying bonds. While this may not be a major challenge for some of the best debt ETFs in India, some funds may experience lower market demand. Low liquidity can affect your ability to liquidate your investments efficiently.
  4. Inflation Risk: Inflation can erode the returns of debt ETFs, especially those focusing on fixed-income securities with lower yields. If the rate of inflation exceeds the returns provided by the ETF, it can make the fund less attractive to invest in.

Performance Metrics for Debt ETFs

Before investing in debt ETFs, it is essential to evaluate certain performance metrics that can help investors assess and evaluate the fund’s performance. Here are the top performance metrics to consider for debt ETFs in India.

  1. Expense Ratio: The expense ratio indicates the annual cost of managing the ETF as a percentage of its assets. A lower expense ratio means higher net returns for the investor. This is why it’s a critical factor for cost-sensitive investors.
  2. Historical Returns: Historical returns provide insights into the ETF’s past performance. Though not a guarantee of future results, reviewing consistency in returns over time can help you gauge how well the ETF has performed across different market conditions.
  3. Liquidity: Liquidity reflects how easily the ETF can be traded on the exchange. High liquidity is preferred because it means you can trade funds without impacting the price significantly. This makes it easier to enter or exit positions without significant costs.
  4. Yield-to-Maturity (YTM): This metric estimates the annualised return you can expect if the ETF's holdings are held until maturity. It reflects the average interest rate across the ETF's portfolio and helps you assess potential income from the fund over its lifetime.
  5. Credit Quality: The credit quality of an ETF evaluates the average credit rating of its underlying bonds and instruments. Higher-rated bonds translate to lower credit risk. This metric is crucial for assessing the risk profile of a debt ETF.

Tax Considerations for Debt ETFs

Debt exchange-traded funds in India are taxed as per the provisions contained in the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Union Budget 2024 introduced some changes in the tax rates for ETFs in this category. Here are the details of debt ETF taxation in India as per the old and new taxation rules. The new rules have been in effect since July 23, 2024. 

  1. Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG) From Debt ETFs 
    • ETFs Purchased Before April 1, 2023: As per the old rules, any profit from these ETFs is considered STCG if the holding period is 36 months or less, and is taxed at the slab rates applicable. As per the new rules, profits from these ETFs, if held for 24 months or less, will be considered STCG and taxed at applicable slab rates. 
    • ETFs Purchased After April 1, 2023: As per the old and the new rules, any profits from these ETFs are considered STCG, no matter what the holding period may be. Such gains are taxed at the slab rates applicable. 
  2. Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) From Debt ETFs
    • ETFs Purchased Before April 1, 2023: As per the old rules, any profit from these ETFs is considered LTCG if the holding period exceeds 36 months, and is taxed at 20% with indexation benefits. As per the new rules, profits from these ETFs, if held for more than 24 months, will be considered LTCG and taxed at 12.5% without indexation. 
    • ETFs Purchased After April 1, 2023: Any profits from these ETFs are considered short-term capital gains under the old and new rules, irrespective of the holding period, and are taxed at the slab rates applicable. 

Top 5 Debt ETFs Based on 1-Yr Returns


Closing Price (₹)

1Y Returns (%)

Expense Ratio

BHARAT Bond ETF-April 2032




LIC MF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF




Nippon IN ETF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Long Term Gilt Debt




BHARAT Bond ETF-April 2030-Growth Debt




SBI Nifty 10 yr Benchmark G-Sec ETF




Note: The top debt ETFs list provided here is as of January 22, 2025. The ETFs have been sorted based on their 1-year returns.

  1. BHARAT Bond ETF-April 2032: This fund tops the list of debt ETFs in India in terms of 1-year returns. It tracks the Nifty BHARAT Bond Index – April 2032, which has a predefined maturity date set on April 15, 2032. This fund offers highly cost-effective exposure to a select portfolio of AAA-rated bonds issued by government-owned entities.
  2. Key Metrics:

    • 5Y CAGR: The fund was launched only in December 2021, so data unavailable
    • 6M Returns: 4.91%
  3. LIC MF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF: The LIC MF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF mirrors the Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec index. Its reliable 6-month and 1-year returns give conservative investors a relatively safe way to invest in government bonds. The fund specifically focuses on long-duration securities. 
  4. Key Metrics:

    • 5Y CAGR: 6.37%
    • 6M Returns: 4.20%
  5. Nippon IN ETF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec Long Term Gilt Debt: Like the LIC MF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF, this debt ETF also tracks the Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec index. This debt ETF has delivered slightly reduced returns in comparison. The fund may be suitable for conservative investors interested in long-term government bonds.
  6. Key Metrics: 

    • 5Y CAGR: 6.27
    • 6M Returns: 4.63%
  7. BHARAT Bond ETF-April 2030-Growth Debt: Like its 2032 counterpart, the BHARAT Bond ETF-April 2030 fund has a 5-year CAGR of 7.58%. More specifically, the benchmark index, which is the Nifty BHARAT Bond Index – April 2030, matures on April 15, 2030. The fund’s portfolio consists of AAA-rated government bonds, making it suitable for conservative investors. 
  8. Key Metrics:

    • 5Y CAGR: 7.58%
    • 6M Returns: 4.23%
  9. SBI Nifty 10 yr Benchmark G-Sec ETF: This debt exchange-traded fund tracks the movements of the Nifty 10 yr Benchmark G-Sec Index. The benchmark index has been constructed using the prices of the 10-year bond issued by the Indian government. This makes it an affordable investment choice for investors with a low tolerance for risk. 
  10. Key Metrics:

    • 5Y CAGR: 5.31%
    • 6M Returns: 3.46%


You can purchase debt ETFs if you have a trading account linked with a demat account. To buy ETF units, simply place an order during market hours on the stock exchange. This is similar to buying stocks in the market, and you can use a brokerage provider’s platform for this purpose.
Debt mutual funds are actively managed funds that may invest in a wide range of assets and instruments in the debt market. However, debt ETFs are passively managed and traded on stock exchanges. You need a demat account to buy ETFs.
You can buy and sell debt ETFs during market hours on stock exchanges. Their prices change based on demand and supply forces. With Angel One, you can even place an order 24/7.
Yes, debt ETFs are relatively safer investments since they are not linked to the equity market. However, the level of safety depends on the credit quality of underlying bonds and the overall market conditions. Keep in mind that they are not entirely risk-free.
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