Personal Finance - Angel One

Why is P/E ratio important for investors?

Why is P/E ratio important for investors?

23 June 2021

The price-to-earning ratio or P/E ratio is one of the most widely used and accepted metrics by investors and analysts to determine the stock valuation. It shows if the stock of a company is undervalued or overvalued, along with the comparison of the valuation with the benchmark or industry peers. The most commonly used variable …

What are the risks of investing in smallcap stocks

What are the risks of investing in smallcap stocks

23 June 2021

Investment in equity markets has grown leaps and bounces over the last few years and new inverters have a peculiar fancy for smallcap shares. Unfortunately, small-cap stocks do not possess very good names because of the nature of business they are in and the risk associated with them. However, one should never forget that Todays’ …

Choosing the right stocks to invest in

Choosing the right stocks to invest in

23 June 2021

Investing has always been considered a complex process. Especially when it comes to financial assets it is considered further more complex as it is supposed to be an expert domain. No wonder the equity penetration has been comparatively lower in India despite India enjoying a good saving rate. It is true that some amount of …

How you can Measure Returns?

How you can Measure Returns?

22 June 2021

When we think about investment, basically everyone is speaking about the returns it can generate from it. In simple words returns means – for every rupee person has put into investment, how much he earned from that investment? While the basic mathematics formulae are there to measure returns – in financial markets it needs to …

Why it’s prime for entrants in equity market to set a Financial Goal?

Why it’s prime for entrants in equity market to set a Financial Goal?

22 June 2021

The world of investment has always been considered as a complex one especially the world of financial assets. No wonder the financial assets were not considered as a preferred way of investment as compared to traditional assets like Realty, Gold, post office deposits and in most of the cases Bank fixed deposits. However a lot …

Why 95 percent of Indian Traders Lose Money

Why 95 percent of Indian Traders Lose Money

15 June 2021

As much as 95 per cent of day traders lose money in the market, it demands an investigation. Intraday trading is the most popular, yet data suggests that most intraday traders lose money. A 70 percent don’t last beyond the first year, and 95 percent stop trading by the third year. The number seems pretty …

Worried About Your Student Loans? Here is a Guide to Help You

Worried About Your Student Loans? Here is a Guide to Help You

15 June 2021

In India, a lot of people study abroad for exposure, for access to global opportunities and well, to land a better salary when they come back home. Some might want to pursue a specialised course in another country. People might also choose to study at premium institutions in-country. Whatever your reasons may be for going …

Investing 101 for Millennials – Investment for Fulfil Short Term Needs

Investing 101 for Millennials – Investment for Fulfil Short Term Needs

15 June 2021

Most of the investment advice we get – from our parents, from the insurance ads we see on TV and from neighbourhood “investment uncles” or financial advisors – relates to long term investment. But which millennial has time for that? We only live once and there is no time to lose worrying about what will …

What is Thematic Investments 101

What is Thematic Investments 101

14 June 2021

Investing in the stock market is very simply a game of strategy. Investors adopt various strategies based on factors like their investment horizon, their openness to risk (also known as their risk appetite) and their earnings targets. One of the strategies adopted typically by long term investors, is thematic investing. This type of investing is …

Investing for The Tech Savvy

Investing for The Tech Savvy

14 June 2021

Back in the day, trading was a far more challenging game. Investors who were going to be successful really needed to be able to spot patterns in record time. It follows that it took either great experience or tremendous genius (or you had to be a stock broker with a complete lack of scruples like …

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