Product Updates - Angel One

A Trader’s Delight : Faster & Sleeker Order Pad

A Trader’s Delight : Faster & Sleeker Order Pad

19 April 2023

We understand your love for big screens and super fast ordering experience. Also the fact that as a trader, you would not want anything to disturb your charting view. Even if that’s the essential order pad. So we have redesigned our order pad to just do the job for you and not be intrusive.  You …

Now Identify Business Opportunities and Track Client Status Easily on  NXT 2.0

Now Identify Business Opportunities and Track Client Status Easily on  NXT 2.0

3 April 2023

Need for an RPU-based approach There are two primary ways in which any business can increase its total revenues – either increase the number of customers or increase the revenue obtained from each customer i.e. revenue per user or RPU. RPU means how much money or value you are able to generate over a period …

Track Your Business Metrics in Real Time on NXT 2.0

Track Your Business Metrics in Real Time on NXT 2.0

15 March 2023

Imagine you have been in the sub-broking business for a few years now – your sales team works day and night to catch new leads and these leads engage with you and commit investments regularly too. And yet somehow, your income at the end of the month has not grown as per your expectations in …

Average Price Change: Know Every Detail

Average Price Change: Know Every Detail

8 March 2023

What’s changing in your Portfolio? Now here’s where we grabbed your attention. You are seeing a change in Avg. price in our Superapp and must be wondering why this is happening. This happens for users who recently had a CA in their portfolio, for example, scrips like LnT and Mindtree. Plus, we have decided to …

Find Stocks & Mutual Funds in One Place – Angel One Super App!

Find Stocks & Mutual Funds in One Place – Angel One Super App!

7 March 2023

Mutual Funds for Everyone Mutual funds are a popular asset class that many of us have considered or invested in at some point. For beginners, they are an easy way to enter the market, while for experienced investors they offer a great opportunity for diversification .  What’s New with Angel One Super App In the …

Switch from Angel Bee to Angel One Super App Today!

Switch from Angel Bee to Angel One Super App Today!

7 March 2023

If you are a user of an Angel One account or an Angel BEE account then there is good news for you. You can now operate your mutual fund investments from the single platform of the Angel One Super App itself!  As you might understand, the Angel BEE platform is no longer needed and therefore, …

Increase Lead Conversions Using Advanced Client Onboarding Tools of NXT 2.0

Increase Lead Conversions Using Advanced Client Onboarding Tools of NXT 2.0

6 March 2023

Sales is an art that has a process of its own, irrespective of the industry. However, it is not necessarily an individual sport – quite often it is a combination of the salesperson, his/her team, their mentors, the channels that they use to reach the customer and the technology that they use to streamline the …

Stay Ahead of Competition – Use Smart Marketing on NXT 2.0 

Stay Ahead of Competition – Use Smart Marketing on NXT 2.0 

27 February 2023

Angel One’s sub-broker platform, NXT 2.0 offers the following features under its new smart marketing feature so that any average authorized person can have all the technical support that he/she needs to expand the business and reach out to more and more customers, both old and new – Performance Tracker The Angel One marketing team …

Save Time and Effort in Tracking Client Reports with NXT 2.0

Save Time and Effort in Tracking Client Reports with NXT 2.0

16 February 2023

If you are an authorised person (or sub-broker) and not on board with Angel One already, this post may give you a pretty good reason to join the Angel One family! The challenge that was For some time now, Angel One has been redesigning the NXT 2.0, our platform for APs or sub-brokers. While designing …

NXT 2.0 : Experience Zen Level Broking 

NXT 2.0 : Experience Zen Level Broking 

17 January 2023

Know the basics of NXT NXT is the online platform through which Authorised Persons or APs (earlier known as sub-brokers) interact with Angel One. All customer data, lead management, services assortment, revenue and market data etc. are accessed and operated by Authorised Persons through this platform. Therefore, in order to create a seamless, efficient engagement …

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