Research - Angel One

What is ELSS in Hindi: Know About its Advantages

What is ELSS in Hindi: Know About its Advantages

20 December 2016

Transcript : कि अगर आपको इस विडियो से पूछे कि Bigg Boss आपके लिए अलग इनवेस्टमेंट क्या होगा तो वह कहेंगे बस यार long-term रिटन बाय हो फंड एलोकेशन में ट्रांसपेरेंसी और फ्लैक्सिबिलिटी रहे और उसके बाद टैक्स ब्रेक मिल जाए तो बात बन जाए अगर आप भी कुछ ऐसा ही इंवेस्टमेंट ऑप्शन ढूंढ रहे …

What is Stoploss?

What is Stoploss?

20 December 2016

Transcript : what is stop-lossed and how is it used meet Vinod he is a beginner in the stock market and wants to understand the concept of stop-loss his friend Ashish an active trader with Angel One explains stop-loss is a method used by an investor to limit his losses it works as an automatic …

What is a Stock Split? Meaning & Definition

What is a Stock Split? Meaning & Definition

20 December 2016

Transcript : what is stock split Samia owns 100 shares of Z corporation valued at 500 rupees per share his total investment is thus fifteen thousand rupees he has just heard that said corporation has decided to go for a stock split so he asked his friend Vinod a seasoned investor with Angel One to …

What Does the Fed Rate Hike Mean for the Indian Economy?

What Does the Fed Rate Hike Mean for the Indian Economy?

19 December 2016

The Fed decision on rates announced on 14th December was largely in line with analyst expectations. After a gap of 1 full year, the Fed again hiked the Fed rate by 25 basis points. With this 25 bps hike in the Fed rate, the range stands enhanced to 0.50%-0.75%. It may be recollected that back …

Demonetization in India: Step for Curbing Black Money

Demonetization in India: Step for Curbing Black Money

9 November 2016

Had you gone to sleep a little early on 08th November without catching on the news, you would have woken up on 09th November morning realizing that all the 500 INR notes and 1000 INR notes in your wallet were actually worthless. Not exactly worthless, because you do not stand to lose anything in this …

Dow Theory: All You Need to Know

Dow Theory: All You Need to Know

1 October 2016

Charles H. Dow, after whom the “Dow Jones” Wall Street index is named, is the founder of many theories, and his contribution to the theories of Technical Analysis is immense. Even after over a hundred years what he once propagated does not simply hold but lays the foundation for much of what has been developed …



1 October 2016

HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND BASIC TENETS Technical Analysis is a study of the past price movements to predict the future price trend. This means that the past direction of prices of a share (determined by the market forces known as ‘demand’ and ‘supply’) tells us how the share is going to move in the future, as …

Figuring Financial Statement Report

Figuring Financial Statement Report

1 October 2016

As per disclosure norms set by SEBI, companies have to report their financial performance on a quarterly and annual basis. Apart from financial data, the annual report also contains valuable information such as information about the company’s products and services, management vision and guidance, major recent accomplishments, changes in leadership, mergers and acquisition related activity, …

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