No such thing as assured returns
Assured returns do not exist.
If any scheme or advisor promises you assured earnings or unreasonably high returns, you should be extremely careful while dealing with them.
Below are a few guidelines to help you stay alert while making investment decisions:
- Always have full knowledge of the product you intend to invest in, including the risks associated with it
- Never trust any written or oral promises assuring guaranteed or unreasonably high returns
- Never make cash payments to the stock broker
- Do not invest in any schemes run by an entity that does not have SEBI registration

Basic things to look at while investing in any product are—risk, returns, time horizon, and the exit route. Any scheme which offers high returns, will undoubtedly have higher risks.
Investment in securities is a crucial part of any investment portfolio, but to benefit from it, one needs to be careful and avoid getting trapped by false promises of assured returns.