Buybacks, Takeovers and Delisting - June 2021

Here's the list of the latest Buybacks, Takeovers and De-listing. The Offer Period and Price are mentioned along with them. To participate in any of these call us on 022-68071111 / 022-42185454 or write to us at

Scrip NameSub TypeStart DateEnd DateFloor Price
SPECMKTTakeover29-Jun-2112-Jul-21Rs. 100
WELSPUNINDBuyback22-Jun-2105-Jul-21Rs. 120
TRIJALTakeover18-Jun-2101-Jul-21Rs. 3
SAGLTakeover14-Jun-2125-Jun-21Rs. 12
INTEGRA Takeover14-Jun-2125-Jun-21Rs. 0.3
RPILTakeover10-Jun-2123-Jun-21Rs. 22
INFOBEAN Buyback08-Jun-2121-Jun-21Rs. 232
SPACEAGETakeover02-Jun-2111-Jun-21Rs. 245
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