W.e.f 14-Feb: New Identity for Sagar Productions Ltd.
Per a recent circular, the name and symbol of Sagar Productions Ltd. (Scrip code: 532092) will be changed as follows w.e.f 14-Feb-24.
Existing Symbol | New Symbol | Existing Name of the Company | New Name of the Company |
SAGARPROD | EPUJA | Sagar Productions Ltd. | Epuja Spiritech Ltd. |
Refer: BSE Circular
Bonus Issue of Intellivate Capital Ventures Ltd.
Bonus Issue is one of the corporate actions where a company issues bonus shares as new or additional shares, free of cost and in proportion to the shares held by the shareholder.
As per the recent BSE circular, Intellivate Capital Ventures Ltd. (Scrip Code: 506134) is issuing 2 bonus shares for every 1 existing share. The key dates for the bonus Issue are as follows:
Company Name | Symbol | Record date | Ex-Bonus basis from Date |
Intellivate Capital Ventures Ltd. | INTELLCAP | 12-Feb | 12-Feb |
Refer: BSE Circular
Rights Issue - February 2024
The company offers its shareholders the right to purchase its shares at a discount on a predetermined date known as the record date in a rights entitlement.
Shareholders are granted Rights Entitlements (RE) by temporarily crediting their Demat accounts with RE, giving them the right to participate in a Rights Issue. Please note that these are Rights Entitlement and not Rights shares. To get the shares, you should apply at their respective Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) and convert RE into shares. You should keep in mind that RE is temporary, and until you apply and pay the requisite amount, rights shares won’t be credited to your Demat account.
Here’s the listing for February 2024:
Company | Ex-date | Record Date | RI Price (Rs. per share) | RE Trading Period | Last date to apply for Rights Shares | Where to apply for rights shares | Circular |
Indian Infotech & Software Limited | 29-Jan | 29-Jan | Rs. 1.60 | 06- Feb to 08-Feb | 13- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Adroit Infotech Limited | 19- Jan | 19- Jan | Rs. 15 (Rs. 3.75 on App - PP Shares) | 07- Feb to 12-Feb | 16-Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Shree Ajit Pulp & Paper Limited | 18- Jan | 18- Jan | Rs. 80 (Rs. 48 on App - PP Shares) | 30- Jan to 16-Feb | 20- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Magnum Ventures Limited | 25-Jan | 25-Jan | Rs. 54 | 07- Jan to NA | 21- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Yarn Syndicate Limited | 24-Jan | 24-Jan | Rs. 27 (Rs. 13.50 on App - PP Shares) | 06- Feb to 16-Feb | 21- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Nagreeka Exports Limited | 30-Jan | 30-Jan | Rs. 20 | 12- Feb to 19-Feb | 23- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Mangalam Industrial Finance Limited | 29-Jan | 29-Jan | Rs. 3.75 | 12- Feb to 20-Feb | 26- Feb | ASBA | BSE |
Please note: The value of RE will be zero after the Rights Issue closure date.
RE Trading Period: The Exchange will publish a circular 2 days prior to the issue open date.
How to apply for Rights Issue: The Rights Issue offer is updated with ASBA (Application Supported Blocked Amount).
Here's a list of existing SCSBs.
For more details on Rights Issue/Rights Entitlement, please refer to BSE FAQs.
Buybacks, Takeovers and Delisting - February 2024
Here's the list of the latest Buybacks, Takeovers and Delisting. The Offer Period and Price are mentioned along with them. To participate in any of these:
Scrip Name | Sub Type | Start Date | End Date | Floor Price |
ANSHNCO | Takeover | 02-02-24 | 15-02-24 | Rs. 17 |
DHRUVCA | Takeover | 05-02-24 | 16-02-24 | Rs. 56.50 |
DAIKAFFI | Takeover | 09-02-24 | 23-02-24 | Rs. 38.72 |
SHALPAINTS | Takeover | 12-02-24 | 26-02-24 | Rs. 200 |
GLS | Takeover | 15-02-24 | 29-02-24 | Rs. 631.20 |
W.e.f 09-Feb: New Identity for Essar Securities Ltd.
Per a recent circular, the name and symbol of Essar Securities Ltd. (Scrip code: 533149) will be changed as follows w.e.f 09-Feb-24.
Existing Symbol | New Symbol | Existing Name of the Company | New Name of the Company |
ESSARSEC | YunikM | Essar Securities Ltd. | Yunik Managing Advisors Ltd. |
Refer: BSE Circular
AP consent for Bank and Demat account statements
In an endeavor to reduce the burden of submission of documents by the AP at the time of audit, we have tied up with CAMS to auto-fetch bank statements & demat account statements, for which we require the AP to give their consent.
The AP consent will greatly reduce backlog and also minimize manual submitting of statements as required during audit, by law.
Here are quick and easy steps to follow using the NXT account.
1. Log into NXT as an Admin user

2. Go to Profile > Upload Statement
3. Click on Proceed
4. You will be redirected to CAMS website and an OTP will be sent to your Mobile number
5. Select the bank for which you want to share consent
6. Once done, you will be redirected to the NXT dashboard
7. The consent will be captured and will be valid for 1 year

8. Follow the same process for the Demat statement and check your status whether it is ‘Success’ or ‘Rejected’.
For a more detailed account of the process, click here
Dividend payment by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
A dividend is an amount the company pays to its shareholders out of its profits. These regular profit-sharing payment in the form of dividends is a corporate action initiated by the company regularly.
As per a recent circular, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. has announced a dividend payment of Rs 15. The key dates for the same are as follows:
Company Name | Symbol | Dividend Amount | Record date |
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. | HINDPETRO | Rs 15 | 07-Feb-24 |
1. The above changes shall be effective from the ex-date / effective date
2. The revised options strike/futures base prices and the lot size on account of adjustment would appear in decimal places and shall be rounded off to the nearest tick size and the lot size shall be rounded off to the nearest integer.
3. The details of the revised option strike prices, futures prices, lot size and quantity freeze limit wherever applicable, will be informed to members separately via circular one day prior to the ex-date / effective date.
Refer: NSE Circular 1 | NSE Circular 2
Bonus Issue of Shreeji Translogistics Ltd.
Bonus Issue is one of the corporate actions where a company issues bonus shares as new or additional shares, free of cost and in proportion to the shares held by the shareholder.
As per the recent BSE circular, Shreeji Translogistics Ltd. (Scrip Code: 540738) is issuing 1 bonus share for every 3 existing shares. The key dates for the bonus Issue are as follows:
Company Name | Symbol | Record date | Ex-Bonus basis from Date |
Shreeji Translogistics Ltd. | STL | 08-Feb | 08-Feb |
Refer: BSE Circular
Dividend payment by GAIL (India) Ltd.
A dividend is an amount the company pays to its shareholders out of its profits. These regular profit-sharing payment in the form of dividends is a corporate action initiated by the company regularly.
As per a recent circular, GAIL (India) Ltd. has announced a dividend payment of Rs 5.50. The key dates for the same are as follows:
Company Name | Symbol | Dividend Amount | Record date |
GAIL (India) Ltd. | GAIL | Rs 5.50 | 06-Feb-24 |
1. The above changes shall be effective from the ex-date / effective date.
2. The revised options strike/futures base prices and the lot size on account of adjustment would appear in decimal places and shall be rounded off to the nearest tick size and the lot size shall be rounded off to the nearest integer.
3. The details of the revised option strike prices, futures prices, lot size and quantity freeze limit wherever applicable, will be informed to members separately via circular one day prior to the ex-date / effective date.
Refer: NSE Circular
Amalgamation of Tata Metaliks Ltd and Tata Steel Ltd.
Per a circular, Tata Metaliks Ltd. will be amalgamated into Tata Steel Ltd. Tata Steel Ltd shall issue and allot Equity Shares to the Shareholders of Tata Metaliks Ltd.
79 fully paid-up equity shares of Re.1/- each of Tata Steel Ltd to be issued for every 10 fully paid-up equity shares of Rs.10/- each held in Tata Metaliks Ltd.
Name of Company | Symbol | Reason for Suspension |
Tata Metaliks Ltd. | TATAMETALI | Scheme of Amalgamation |
Refer: BSE Circular