Vigilance Awareness Week: 30-Oct-23 to 05-Nov-23

Did you know: The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is the highest anti-corruption institution in India which focuses on how to prevent corruption and employ vigilance measures.

In order to cultivate an environment of integrity, the CVC encourages all citizens to participate in various anti-corruption measures through different awareness initiatives.

What is Vigilance Awareness Week? Vigilance Awareness Week is an annual event launched by the CVC to increase public awareness against corruption. This year, Vigilance Awareness Week is celebrated from 30-Oct to 05-Nov with the theme being: Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation.How can you participate? As a responsible and aware citizen, you can participate in this cause by taking the Integrity Pledge. To take your Pledge, visit

For more details, refer to the Circular.

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