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Route Mobile IPO

Established in the year 2004, Route Mobile Limited is one of India’s leading providers of Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS). The company is quite well known in the enterprise communications space and provides tech-driven multi-level services such as messaging, email, analytics, voice, SMS filtering, and monetization, among others.

Route Mobile Limited IPO Detail


Route Mobile Limited

Issue Period: September 09, 2020 to September 11, 2020
Price Band
₹ 345 - 350

Issue Size
₹ 600 Crore

Face Value
₹ 10/- Per Share

Market Lot

Listing At
₹0 Free Equity Delivery
₹20/- For Intraday, F&O, Currencies & Commodities

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Company Information

In addition to providing cloud-based services to enterprises, Route Mobile also closely works with major mobile network operators around the world. Furthermore, the company is also involved in providing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions to various organizations. Route Mobile boasts of a large client list that includes many major enterprises from the Fortune Global 500 list.

Why should you subscribe to the upcoming Route Mobile IPO?

With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Route Mobile has managed to solidify its presence by diversifying its business and expanding to 18 different locations across the world. Here are some pointers explaining why you should subscribe to this IPO.

1. Limited competition
Since there’s little to no competition in the realm of services provided by Route Mobile, the company enjoys a strong control over the space. In the domestic scene, there are only two major entities, Tata Communications and Tanla Solutions, whose services tend to slightly overlap with those of the company. However, the presence of these two competing entities is quite limited and are nowhere near that of Route Mobile.

2. Acceleration towards
digitization is a major advantage for the company The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a majority of the populace to migrate towards the digital world. In a sense, the outbreak has accelerated the digitization process and has led to many enterprises providing services digitally to their consumers. Route Mobile is perfectly poised to take advantage of this positive change in the environment. For instance, the A2P (application to person) messaging service that the company provides is likely to witness a meteoric rise in the post-COVID era.

3. Diversified product offerings
Ever since its inception, Route Mobile has consistently invested in various technologies and has developed a strong framework. This has enabled the company to expand its range of products and services on offer. As the company continues to look towards leveraging cloud-based communications technology, the future growth prospects seem to be bright.

4. Global client base
The expansion and subsequent establishment of its presence throughout the world has given Route Mobile Limited access to a host of global clients. The company is currently operational across multiple geographies such as Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe, the Middle Eastern region, and North America. The global client base enjoyed by the company not only effectively reduces its dependency on a single client, but also reduces its financial risk.

5. Strong revenue and asset growth
In the three year period starting from FY18 to FY20, the company has consistently reported an increase in its assets and revenue. Route Mobile’s revenue saw a major spike from around Rs. 5,094 crores in FY 18 to around Rs. 8,523 crores in FY 19, which is a staggering growth rate of 67.3%. And, the company’s revenue again grew from around Rs. 8,523 crores in FY 19 to around Rs. 9,681 crores. The asset base has also seen a rise from around Rs. 4,473 crores in FY18 to around Rs. 6,265 crores in FY20. Considering these factors, the financial performance of the company seems to be on point.

Conclusion :
With good fundamentals, decent financial performance over the previous three financial years, and strong future growth prospects, the upcoming Route Mobile IPO appears to be quite attractive. By subscribing to this issue, you could stand to enjoy some listing gains as well.

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