What Is the 8-4-3 Rule in SIP and its Benefits?

5 mins read
by Angel One
Discover the 8-4-3 rule of compounding, which illustrates exponential development by having assets double every 8, 4, and 3 years. Stay invested, beat inflation, and adapt to markets.

Investing can be a complex and rough initiative, especially for those new to the financial markets. However, some strategies can simplify the process and maximise returns. One such strategy is the 8-4-3 rule, a powerful method that leverages the principle of compounding to grow investments significantly over time. 

This rule provides a clear framework for investors, ensuring steady growth and protection against market volatility. This article will explore the 8-4-3 rule in detail, demonstrate its effects with an example, discuss its benefits, and outline strategies to maximise returns.

Power of Compounding

Compounding is a fundamental concept in finance, often called the “eighth wonder of the world” by Albert Einstein. It refers to the process where the returns on an investment generate their own returns. In other words, you earn interest not only on your initial investment but also on the accumulated interest from previous periods. This creates a snowball effect, where the investment grows exponentially over time.

For instance, if you invest ₹10,000 annually at a 9% interest rate, it grows by ₹900 in the first year. If this amount is reinvested, you will earn interest on ₹10,900 in the second year, resulting in a return of ₹981. 

This trend continues, and the longer you invest, the more significant the growth. Starting early and increasing contributions at regular intervals can exponentially enhance the potential of compounding, making it a powerful tool for wealth accumulation.

What Is the 8-4-3 Rule of Compounding?

The 8-4-3 rule is a strategic investment approach that demonstrates how consistent investments and a healthy rate of return may cause substantial growth. According to this rule, an investment grows in three distinct phases:

  • Initial Growth (Years 1-8): The investment grows steadily over the first eight years at an average annual return of 12%.
  • Accelerated Growth (Years 9-12): In the next four years, the investment doubles, achieving the same growth it did in the first eight years due to the power of compounding.
  • Exponential Growth (Years 13-15): The investment doubles again in the final three years, achieving similar growth to the previous four years.

This rule highlights how the power of compounding can accelerate an investment’s growth over time, making it an effective strategy for long-term investors.

Example of the Effect of the 8-4-3 Investment Rule

To illustrate the 8-4-3 rule, let’s consider an example involving a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in a diversified equity mutual fund scheme. Assume the following:

  • Monthly Investment: ₹12,000
  • Investment Period: 15 years
  • Assumed Average Annual Return: 12%
Period Total Investment Amount Approximate Total Value Description
Years 1-8 ₹11.52 lakh (₹12,000 x 96 months) ₹10.03 lakh Initial growth phase with monthly contributions and returns
Years 9-12 ₹5.76 lakh (₹12,000 x 48 months) ₹20.06 lakh Compounding intensifies, potentially doubling the investment amount
Years 13-15 ₹4.32 lakh (₹12,000 x 36 months) ₹30.09 lakh Accelerated growth phase, demonstrating exponential growth potential

Note: This example is just for illustrative purposes; the market fluctuations and other external risk factors are not factored into the calculation.

Benefits of 8-4-3 Rule of Compounding

  • Staying on Track with Investments: The 8-4-3 rule encourages investors to remain committed to their investment plans, regardless of market volatility. This strategy allows investors to control emotions and focus on long-term financial goals. This discipline is crucial for achieving consistent growth and maximising returns over time.
  • Guarding Against Inflation: Investments following the 8-4-3 rule act as a shield against inflation. By achieving an average annual return of 12%, investments can outpace inflation and maintain their purchasing power. This ensures that the actual value of the investment remains intact, safeguarding financial stability in the long run.
  • Adapting to Market Changes: The 8-4-3 rule encourages regular portfolio assessments, enabling investors to make well-informed decisions in response to market changes. This dynamic approach minimises risks and capitalises on opportunities, ensuring the investment remains aligned with current trends. By adapting to market changes, investors can optimise their returns and mitigate potential losses.

What Are the Strategies To Get the Maximum Interest/Returns?

To fully leverage the power of compounding and the 8-4-3 rule, consider the following strategies:

  • Early investment: By starting early, you may maximise the benefits of compounding by giving your investment more time to develop. The potential for exponential growth increases with the age at which you start investing.
  • Choosing the Right Investment Options: Select investments that offer frequent compounding, such as mutual funds, tax-saving schemes, fixed deposits, and Public Provident Fund (PPF). These options provide regular compounding benefits, enhancing the growth potential of your investment.
  • Investing for a Minimum of 10 Years:  The real momentum of wealth creation begins after the tenth year, when the compounding effect generates more passive income than active income. By staying invested for at least a decade, you can fully harness the power of compounding.
  • Increasing Investments with Rising Income: As your income increases, consider upping your investment contributions. This facilitates the compounding process and accelerates the growth of your investment.
  • Reinvesting Profits: Avoid withdrawing gains in the form of dividends. Reinvesting them ensures that your investment continues to benefit from compounding, maximising long-term returns.
  • Ignoring Market Volatility: Focus on long-term goals and ignore short-term market fluctuations. Market noise can be distracting, but maintaining a long-term perspective ensures you stay on the right track.

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An organised and methodical strategy for long-term investment is provided by the 8-4-3 rule of compounding, which shows how regular payments combined with the power of compounding may result in sizable wealth creation.  

The 8-4-3 rule can help you become financially successful by transforming small, consistent investments into significant wealth over time with perseverance and dedication. Angel One offers a user-friendly platform to invest in mutual funds via SIP or lump sum. You can create a personalised portfolio based on your risk tolerance, investment timeline, and goals. Open your free Demat account today to start investing!


What kind of returns can I expect with the 8-4-3 rule?

Assuming a 12% annual return, your investment may double every 8, 4, and 3 years, leading to substantial growth over 15 years.

Is the 8-4-3 rule applicable to all types of investments?

It is most effective with equity mutual funds and other high-return investments, benefiting significantly from compounding. It is actually a simple method of understanding the possible acceleration of growth rather than an investing plan.

Can I apply the 8-4-3 rule to a shorter investment period?

While the rule is designed for a 15-year period, its principles can apply to shorter horizons, though the growth pattern may differ.

Can market volatility affect the 8-4-3 rule?

While short-term market volatility may impact returns, the long-term focus of the rule helps mitigate these fluctuations.