Mutual Funds Advantages and Disadvantages

Mutual funds pool investments from multiple investors, diversifying across a variety of assets. While they provide benefits such as expert management and diversification, they also carry certain risks.

Mutual funds have steadily risen to prominence as a preferred investment avenue. Pooling resources from numerous investors provides a chance to diversify investments across various stocks, bonds, and asset classes, striking a balance between wealth accumulation and risk mitigation. Expert professionals, known as fund managers, oversee these funds to optimise returns and reduce potential risks. Investing in mutual funds gives you access to a broader range of securities than you could individually afford or manage. 

Advantages of Mutual Funds

  • Professional Management: One of the top advantages of mutual fund investment is the expertise that comes with it. Funds are managed by professionals who analyse market conditions and individual securities to make informed decisions.
  • Diversification: Mutual funds invest in a range of securities, spreading out the risk. These benefits of mutual funds mean that if one security underperforms, its impact is cushioned by the performance of other securities, minimising potential losses.
  • Affordability: Mutual fund advantages also include economies of scale. When purchasing large volumes of securities, transaction costs are spread out, reducing the cost per individual investor.
  • Liquidity: With most mutual funds, investors can redeem their shares any day the market is open, providing easy access to cash.
  • Flexibility: Through features like Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs), mutual funds offer great flexibility in investment and redemption.
  • Transparency: Mutual funds are regulated by governing bodies, ensuring transparency. They are required to publish their portfolio regularly, allowing investors to know where their money is invested.

Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

  • Costs: While mutual funds provide the benefit of professional management, they also come with associated fees and expenses. These can include management fees, administrative charges, and other expenses, which, over time, can eat into potential returns.
  • No Control for Investors: Investors in mutual funds trust their money with the fund managers, giving up control over where their money is invested. For those who like to be hands-on, this can be a drawback.
  • Potential for Over-diversification: While diversification reduces risk, overdoing it might dilute potential returns. If a fund spreads its investments too thin, it might not benefit significantly from a particular security’s stellar performance.
  • Fluctuating Returns: Mutual funds’ returns can swing widely, particularly over brief periods. Being exposed to market uncertainties means the invested capital can either rise or fall depending on the market’s behaviour.
  • Cash Drag: Mutual funds often maintain cash reserves to manage redemptions. This cash doesn’t earn the same returns as the market, potentially reducing the fund’s overall returns.

What Are the Risks of Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds, although popular and beneficial in many aspects, do come with their own set of risks. Understanding these risks is crucial for any investor before diving into mutual fund investments:

  • Market Risk: This is the primary risk associated with mutual funds. It refers to the risk of the market performing poorly. If the overall stock or bond market drops, it can impact the fund’s returns, regardless of the quality of the securities in the fund’s portfolio.
  • Credit Risk: This risk is specific to bond funds or debt funds. It refers to the likelihood that a debt issuer will default on their obligations, impacting the fund’s returns.
  • Interest Rate Risk: Mostly associated with bond funds, interest rate risk implies that if interest rates rise, bond prices may fall, and vice versa. Thus, the value of mutual funds holding these bonds might decrease.
  • Liquidity Risk: Some mutual funds invest in securities that aren’t traded frequently. In such cases, selling these securities at a fair price might be challenging, especially during market downturns.
  • Managerial Risk: The success of actively managed mutual funds depends on the skill of the fund managers. Inadequate choices by the manager can result in the fund not meeting its targets.
  • Inflation Risk: In the long run, a mutual fund’s return rate might lag behind inflation, diminishing the value of the invested sum.

Ways of Investing in Mutual Funds

Numerous pathways exist for investors to channel their money into mutual funds:

  • Lump Sum Investment: Investors can invest a sizable sum into their preferred mutual fund. This method is apt for those with a substantial amount ready for immediate investment.
  • Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Here, investors allocate a consistent sum periodically, perhaps monthly or quarterly, to a mutual fund. SIPs are favoured because they foster consistent saving habits and let investors capitalise on the advantages of rupee cost averaging.
  • Direct vs Regular Plans: Investors can invest directly with the mutual fund company (direct plan) or through intermediaries like brokers or agents (regular plan). Direct plans generally have lower expense ratios as they exclude commission costs.
  • Online Platforms: Various online platforms and apps offer mutual fund investments. Angel One allows you to compare, choose, and invest in mutual funds seamlessly.
  • Through Banks: Many banks have tie-ups with mutual fund houses and offer their products to customers.

Key Takeaways

  • Mutual Fund Risks: As with any investment, mutual funds come with uncertainties, from market ups and downs to potential lapses in management. It’s crucial for investors to understand these uncertainties before diving in.
  • Diverse Investment Avenues: There are multiple ways to invest in mutual funds, from lump sum investments to SIPs. The mode of investment should align with the investor’s financial goals and liquidity needs.
  • Informed Decisions: While mutual funds democratise investment, offering exposure to diverse portfolios, the onus is on the investor to make informed decisions. This involves understanding the fund’s objective, analysing past performance, reviewing the expense ratio, and being aware of the associated risks.
  • Flexibility and Liquidity: Mutual funds generally offer flexibility regarding investment amounts and frequencies. Additionally, they provide liquidity, allowing investors to redeem their investments based on their financial needs.
  • Professional Management: One of the major attractions of mutual funds is the professional management of assets. This ensures that the investments are monitored and managed by experts with in-depth market knowledge.


Mutual funds present a harmonised way of investing, backed by expert advice. But, as with all investment avenues, they have their own set of hurdles. Therefore, it’s important for investors to be well-informed about both the advantages and potential pitfalls before investing. Learn more about mutual funds and find the best funds on Angel One. 


What's the difference between lump sum and SIP?

A lump sum is a one-time investment, while a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows regular investments over time, often monthly or quarterly.

Are mutual funds completely risk-free?

No, mutual funds come with several risks, including market, credit, interest rate, and liquidity risks, among others.

How does interest rate risk affect bond mutual funds?

When interest rates rise, bond prices may fall, and vice versa. Mutual funds holding these bonds might see a decrease in value with interest rate fluctuations.

What's the benefit of investing via a SIP?

SIP promotes disciplined investing and can offer the advantage of rupee cost averaging, allowing investors to buy more units when prices are low and fewer when they are high.

Can I invest in mutual funds online?

Yes! You can choose a trusted online platform like Angel One, making it effortless and straightforward to invest in mutual funds or other investments like stocks.

How do robo-advisors contribute to mutual fund investments?

Robo-advisors function as digital interfaces that employ algorithms for financial guidance. They recommend mutual fund plans tailored to individuals’ unique financial positions and goals.