What is Risk Tolerance in Investing?

3 mins read
by Angel One
Risk tolerance in investing assesses an individual's comfort with potential financial loss, categorising them as aggressive, moderate, or conservative based on their risk preference.

Risk tolerance is your ability and readiness to endure a decline in the value of your investments. Determining your risk tolerance involves assessing how comfortable you maintain your positions during significant stock market declines. An old Wall Street proverb states, “You can eat well, or you can sleep well.” This highlights the trade-off between holding higher-risk assets for long-term wealth accumulation and the anxiety that comes with market volatility. Realising how much risk you can tolerate can help you create an investment strategy that fits your comfort level and financial objectives. Let this post be your guide to understanding risk tolerance in the investment arena.

Meaning of Risk Tolerance in Investing

1. Definition: Risk tolerance, in investment terms, refers to the extent to which an investor is comfortable with potential financial loss or volatility in the value of their portfolio while making investment decisions.

2. Impact on Investment Choices: It determines the type and amount of investments you choose, influencing your overall investment strategy.

3. Categories of Investors:

  • Aggressive: These investors embrace high risks in pursuit of greater rewards. They often opt for volatile assets like stocks, aiming for substantial returns over time despite market fluctuations.
  • Moderate: Striking a balance between risk and reward, moderate investors accept some level of risk while aiming for reasonable returns. They typically diversify their portfolios using bonds, equities, and other assets to control risk.
  • Conservative: Favouring stability and capital preservation, conservative investors prioritise minimising potential losses over more returns. They gravitate towards low-risk options such as bonds and cash equivalents, prioritising safety and steady income streams.

4. Investment Types by Risk Tolerance:

  • High-Risk Investments: Investors comfortable with volatility often opt for stocks, equity funds, and ETFs. These assets offer higher potential returns but come with greater risk due to market fluctuations.
  • Low-Risk Investments: Those seeking stability tend to choose fixed deposits, bond funds, and income funds. While these investments provide lower returns, they offer more security and stability, appealing to risk-averse investors.

5. Influencing Factors:

  • Time Horizon: The duration for which a shareholder intends to retain an investment before requiring access to the funds. Longer horizons can typically afford to take on more risk.
  • Financial Goals: Specific objectives, such as buying a house, funding education, or saving for retirement, can affect risk tolerance. Short-term goals might require more conservative investments, while long-term goals can allow for higher risk.
  • Income and Financial Stability: Investors with stable and high incomes may be more willing to take risks compared to those with lower or unstable incomes.
  • Experience and Knowledge: Investors who have more experience and understanding of the markets may have a higher risk tolerance.
  • Emotional Comfort: How comfortable an investor feels with potential losses and market volatility plays a crucial role. Some people naturally handle stress and uncertainty better than others.
  • Age: Young investors mostly have a higher risk tolerance because they have more time for recovery from potential losses, whereas older investors may prefer safer investments as they approach retirement.


Understanding risk tolerance is essential for building a suitable investment portfolio. It helps determine the level of risk you’re comfortable with and guides your investment choices. By determining your time horizon and your level of risk tolerance, you can make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals. If you haven’t started investing yet, consider opening a Demat account with Angel One. This platform lets you invest in and manage multiple assets all in one place. So why wait? Start your investing journey today!


How does risk tolerance influence portfolio construction?

Knowing your risk tolerance helps in selecting appropriate asset classes and balancing risk and return in your portfolio.

Can my risk tolerance change over time?

Yes, risk tolerance can change due to factors like age, financial goals, and market conditions.

What role do market conditions play in risk tolerance?

Volatile markets can test an investor’s risk tolerance and may require adjustments to their investment strategy.

How can I determine my risk tolerance?

Risk tolerance can be assessed through online questionnaires or by consulting with a financial advisor.