How to Merge two UAN?

6 mins read
by Angel One
Discover how to merge two UAN numbers online effortlessly for streamlined EPF management. Learn why dual UANs occur and follow our step-by-step guide to merge two UAN numbers. Simplify your financial planning with our expert tips.

Navigating your Employee Provident Fund (EPF) accounts can be tricky when you’re dealing with multiple Universal Account Numbers (UANs). This often happens when you switch jobs, and each new employer assigns you a new UAN. It’s like having multiple keys for different doors, and it can get confusing. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into why you might end up with two UAN numbers, explore the common causes of this issue, and guide you through simple steps on how to merge two UAN numbers online.

What Are The Reasons For Two UAN Numbers?

Before we learn about how to merge two UAN numbers online, let’s first understand why you might have two UAN numbers in the first place:

  • Employee’s Failure to Disclose Previous UAN

When individuals transition to new employment opportunities, they are typically expected to provide their previous Universal Account Number (UAN) and Employee Provident Fund (EPF) account details to their new employers. These details are crucial for the seamless transfer of EPF funds and the uninterrupted management of their PF accounts. 

However, there are instances where employees inadvertently overlook or forget to disclose their previous UAN. This oversight can prompt the new employer to open a new EPF account and generate a fresh UAN for the employee. Consequently, this results in the coexistence of two UANs.

  • Previous Employer’s Delay in Reporting “Date of Exit”

Another contributing factor arises from delays or lapses in communication on the part of the previous employer. When a worker leave­s, the prior employer must quickly share­ the worker’s “Exit Date” in the­ correct systems. It’s a key date­ showing the end of the worke­r’s time with the company. Reporting it on time­ helps move EPF accounts to the ne­w employer without problems and associate­s the UAN with the new company corre­ctly.

However, if the previous employer fails to report the exit date promptly or experiences administrative delays, it can complicate the EPF transfer process. In such cases, the new employer may opt to allocate a new EPF number and UAN to the employee to maintain compliance and continuity in EPF contributions. As a result, the individual ends up with two UANs, reflecting their employment history.

What Should You Do If You Are Allotted Two UANs?

If you find yourself with two UANs, the EPFO website offers two methods to rectify this situation. Here’s what you can do:

Method 1

  • Notify your current employer or directly contact the EPFO about the issue as soon as you become aware of it.
  • Send a detailed email to, clearly stating both your current and previous UANs and providing any additional relevant information.
  • The EPFO will then initiate a thorough verification process to confirm the existence and status of both UANs.
  • Following successful verification, your previous UAN will be promptly blocked to prevent any further use, safeguarding your account information. Meanwhile, your current UAN will remain active to ensure uninterrupted access to your EPF account.
  • After this, you’ll need to file a formal claim to transfer your EPF account, which is linked with the blocked UAN, to your new active account. This consolidation of your EPF holdings will streamline your account management and ensure accuracy in your records.

It’s worth noting that this method may take some time to complete, and the success rate of resolution can vary. Consequently, the EPFO has introduced an alternative method to streamline the process of merging two UANs and transferring your EPF.

Method 2

  • Request the transfer of EPF funds from the old UAN to the new one through your employer or directly through the EPFO’s designated channels, clearly specifying your request.
  • The EPFO’s advanced system infrastructure will automatically identify duplicate UANs during its routine checks and validation processes.
  • Upon successful identification, the EPFO will take necessary action by deactivating the old UAN associated with the EPF transfer. Simultaneously, your previous member ID will be seamlessly linked to the new UAN, ensuring the consolidation of your EPF holdings under a single account.
  • If you haven’t already activated the new UAN, you’ll receive prompt instructions to do so. This will enable you to access your updated account status without any delays or complications.

It’s important to handle this promptly because when you receive PF arrears from a previous employer, they will be deposited into your current PF account linked to your existing UAN.

Why is it important to merge two UAN numbers?

It is important to merge two UAN numbers to ensure compliance with Indian regulations. Possessing two active UANs is against the law, and consolidating them into one helps avoid legal complications. Additionally, merging UANs streamlines EPF account management, allowing for easier tracking and management of retirement savings.

How To Merge Two UAN Numbers Online?

Here is how to merge two UAN numbers online and consolidate your EPF accounts for easier management:

1. Log in to the EPFO Website

Start by accessing the official website of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and log in using your UAN and password.

2. Access ‘One Member – One EPF Account’

Navigate through the website’s menu or options to locate the section titled ‘One Member – One EPF Account’ under the online services tab.

3. Review Personal Details

Take a moment to carefully review all the personal information displayed on the subsequent page after accessing the ‘One Member – One EPF Account’ section. Ensure that your name, date of birth, contact details, and other relevant information are accurately reflected.

4. Verify PF Information

Initiate the verification process by clicking on the option to ‘Get Details.’ This action prompts the system to retrieve and display your Provident Fund (PF) information associated with both UANs. 

5. Request OTP

Proceed with the merging process by requesting an OTP (One-Time Password) for authentication purposes. This OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number and is required to verify your identity and authorise the merging of your EPF accounts.

6. Enter OTP and Submit

Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number into the designated field on the website and click ‘Submit’ to proceed with the merging process.

7. Complete Form 13

After successful authentication, you’ll be required to fill out Form 13 provided on the website with all the necessary details accurately. This form serves as the formal request for merging your EPF accounts associated with the two UANs.

8. Receive Tracking ID

Upon successful completion of Form 13, a unique Tracking ID will be generated and provided to you. This Tracking ID serves as a reference number that allows you to track the progress of your merger request and monitor its status throughout the process.

9. Submit Signed Form to Employer

Print out a signed copy of Form 13 and submit it to your current employer within the stipulated timeframe, typically within 10 days of initiating the online merger request. Your employer will facilitate the verification process as part of their responsibilities in managing your EPF accounts.

10. Employer Verification

Your current and previous employers will verify the details provided in Form 13, ensuring the accuracy and legitimacy of the merger request. Upon their approval and verification, the EPFO will process the merger of your EPF accounts associated with the two UANs.

11. Completion of Account Transfer

Once the employer verification process is completed, the EPFO will finalise the transfer of your EPF accounts.


In conclusion, understanding why you might have two UAN numbers and how to merge them online is vital for efficient EPF management. By recognising common issues and following the outlined steps, individuals can consolidate their accounts, ensuring accuracy and compliance.


What is the duration required to combine two PF accounts?

The merging process typically takes about 20 days from submission to completion, ensuring a smooth transfer of funds.

Is Form 13 necessary for transferring UAN?

Yes, Form 13 is essential for transferring your UAN, particularly when transitioning between jobs in the formal sector.

How can I check if my employer has approved my KYC details?

You can easily verify the status of your KYC details on the dedicated KYC document page to ensure they have been approved by your employer.

Can I update my KYC details on the UAN portal?

Yes, you have the flexibility to update your KYC details directly through the user-friendly interface of the UAN portal.

What is the purpose of Form 13?

Form 13 serves as a vital document for facilitating the seamless transfer of Provident Fund funds between accounts. It requires verification and approval by your employer to ensure accuracy and compliance.