What is the PPF Deposit Limit?

5 mins read
by Angel One
Master your financial strategy with insights into the PPF deposit limit. Our guide covers PPF's deposit limits, withdrawal rules, and loan facilities, empowering you to plan your finances effectively.

Understanding the PPF deposit limit is essential for anyone considering investing in it. This limit determines the maximum amount you can invest, which is crucial for planning your financial goals. Additionally, knowing the deposit limit helps you gauge the potential returns on your investment in the future.

In this article, we will explore what a PPF deposit limit is, look at the maximum deposit in PPF, and provide insight into the applicability limit and the restrictions on loans.

What is the PPF deposit limit?

The PPF de­posit limit refers to how much money you can put into a Public Provide­nt Fund (PPF) each year. This limit helps guide­ your saving plan. To set up a PPF account, you can visit a post office or a bank. The proce­dure is quite simple. Afte­r the account is ready, you nee­d to deposit at least ₹500 every year. You can choose­ to deposit more if you like. This continue­s until the account matures.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the PPF account offers a guaranteed interest rate, ensuring a secure investment avenue for savers. The intere­st on this account builds up yearly, helping your savings grow steadily. Additionally, the PPF account has a fixed term of 15 years, with the option to extend it for another 5 years if desired. This flexibility allows for effective long-term financial planning and goal setting.

What is the maximum and the minimum PPF deposit limit? 

The PPF maximum deposit limit stands at ₹1.5 lakh, offering a clear ceiling for your contributions. On the other end, the minimum amount required for depositing into your account is ₹500, ensuring accessibility for all investors.

You have the flexibility to make these deposits throughout the year, with a cap of 12 deposits annually. Each deposit must meet the minimum requirement of ₹500, but collectively, they cannot surpass the maximum limit of ₹1.5 lakh. This structure ensures that investors can tailor their contributions within the specified limits.

If you intend to extend your PPF account beyond the initial fifteen years, you must start the process a ye­ar before it’s due. Eve­n when extende­d, you must keep depositing at le­ast ₹500 each ye­ar. It’s important to note that the PPF deposit limit remains unchanged during this extension, providing stability and continuity for your investment strategy.

What is the withdrawal limit of the PPF account?

Knowing how to access funds from your PPF account is important, especially if you need to withdraw before its maturity. Withdrawals from a PPF account involve following specific procedures and come with certain limitations.

After the seventh year from the account opening date, you can withdraw a portion of your PPF balance. However, withdrawals are only allowed for specific reasons as specified by the scheme.

Once a year, you can make partial withdrawals by submitting the necessary details along with Form C. Additionally, between the third and sixth years after opening your account, you have the option to take out a loan against your PPF balance. The interest rate for this loan is calculated at a rate of 1% higher than the prevailing rate offered by the PPF scheme.

Moreover, if you need to move to a new residential address, you can also withdraw your PPF account balance.

What is the PPF applicability limit?

Generally, only residents of India are permitted to open PPF accounts. However, there is an exception for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who were Indian residents at the time of opening their PPF accounts. Even though they are no longer residents of India, NRIs can continue to contribute up to the PPF deposit limit and maintain their accounts.

Upon reaching the maturity period of 15 years, NRIs have the option to either create new PPF accounts or renew existing ones. This flexibility allows NRIs to continue benefiting from the PPF scheme, facilitating long-term financial planning and investment growth.

What is the PPF limit for loans?

You have the option to avail a loan from your PPF account, with the loan amount capped at 25% of the total balance after two years from the opening date of the account.  When you opt for a loan against the balance of your PPF account, it’s crucial to note that the interest rate applied is typically 2% higher than the prevailing PPF interest rate. This means you will incur a slightly higher interest cost compared to the interest earned on your PPF balance. However, if you manage to repay the loan within 36 months, a reduced interest rate of 6% will be applied, which is significantly lower than the initial interest rate.


In conclusion, understanding how the PPF works, including its deposit rules, withdrawal options, and loan features, is essential for smart money management. These aspects help define how much you can invest, how you can access your money, and when you can borrow from your account. By knowing these details and using them wisely, you can make the most of your PPF savings to achieve your financial goals in the long run, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind.


What is the maximum limit for PPF deposits?

You can put no more­ than ₹1.5 lakh each ye­ar in a PPF account. This limit ensures that individuals can save within a regulated framework, providing clarity and guidance for their investment decisions.

Can I deposit ₹3 lakh in a single public provident fund account?

No, you cannot deposit ₹3 lakh in a single public provident fund account in one go. The maximum allowable annual deposit is ₹1.5 lakh. This restriction ensures fairness and adherence to the prescribed investment limits, promoting equal access to PPF benefits for all investors.

What is the current interest rate for a PPF account?

As of the fiscal year 2023–2024, the interest rate for PPF accounts stands at 7.1%. This interest rate is compounded annually, contributing to the growth of savings over time.

Can I open multiple PPF accounts?

No, individuals are allowed to have only one PPF account in their name. This rule ensures simplicity and prevents misuse of the PPF scheme. By maintaining a single account, investors can focus on managing their savings effectively and maximising the benefits offered by the PPF scheme.

Is a PPF account a better option compared to a Fixed Deposit (FD)?

Both PPF accounts and Fixed Deposits (FDs) offer distinct advantages tailored to different financial needs. While PPF accounts provide tax benefits and long-term savings options, FDs offer flexibility, liquidity, and guaranteed returns. Evaluating individual financial goals and risk preferences can help determine which option aligns better with one’s overall financial strategy.

Can I make multiple deposits within a month in my PPF account?

Yes, you can make multiple deposits into your PPF account within a month. This flexibility allows investors to contribute according to their financial capabilities and goals, enabling them to maximise their savings potential over time.