Process for Refund of IEPF Shares

6 mins read
by Angel One
Learn the complete process for claiming a refund of IEPF shares. Understand the eligibility, required documents, and step-by-step procedure to recover unclaimed shares.

Introduction of IEPF Shares

The Central Government introduced the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) to protect investors’ interests and promote awareness. It is established under Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act’). The unpaid or unclaimed amounts belonging to a company’s investors are pooled and credited into the IEPF. The IEPF funds are utilised for various purposes as provided under the Act.

Who Can Lodge the Claim?

A beneficial owner holding demat account with Depository (NSDL or CDSL) through its registered Depository Participant for unclaimed or unpaid amount has been transferred by the company from the unpaid dividend account to IEPF may claim their refunds to the IEPF authority. The company transfers the unpaid or unclaimed amounts of the shareholders remaining in the unpaid dividend account for seven years into the IEPF. However, the shareholders can claim a refund of their amounts transferred to the IEPF by filing the Form IEPF-5 with the IEPF Authority. The client needs to submit the required documents along with Form IEPF-5 to receive refunds.

Procedure to Claim Refund

  • Shareholders should login to MCA website and access the forms under MCA Services —> Company Efiling —> IEPF Services —> IEPF-5 Web form. Read the instructions provided on the website/instruction kit along with the web form carefully before filling in the form.
  • After filling in the form, submit the duly filled form to the portal. On successful submission, an acknowledgement will be generated indicating the SRN. Please note the SRN for future tracking of the form.
  • The shareholder after making an application in Form No. IEPF-5 under sub rule 1, shall send original physical share certificate, original bond, deposit certificate, debenture certificate, as the case may be, along with Indemnity Bond, any other document as enumerated in Form No. IEPF-5, duly signed by him, to the Nodal Officer of the concerned company at its registered office for verification of the claim.
  • Claim forms completed in all aspects will be verified by the concerned company and on the basis of the company’s verification report, refund will be released by the IEPF Authority in favor of claimants’ account through electronic transfer.

Specific Instructions to Fill the Form IEPF-5 at Field Level

Instructions to fill the eForm are tabulated below at field level. Only important fields that require detailed instructions to be filled in eForm are explained. Self-explanatory fields are not discussed.

S. No/ Section Name Field Name Instructions
1 Particulars of the applicant
(a) Category of Applicant Select the radio button:



(b) First Name Enter the First Name of the applicant
(c) Middle Name Enter Middle Name of the applicant
(d) Last Name Enter the Last Name of the applicant
(e) First Name Enter the First Name of the applicant
(f) Middle Name Enter Middle Name of the applicant
(g) Last Name Enter the Last Name of the applicant
(h) Date of Birth
(i) Name of entity In case ‘Other’ is selected in Category of applicant , then enter the Name of the Entity
(j) Date of incorporation In case ‘Other’ is selected in Category of applicant , then enter the Date of incorporation of the entity
(k) Address of the applicant Enter the address of the applicant
Phone number Enter the valid phone number of the applicant
(m) Aadhaar Number or Passport/OCI/PIO Card No. (in case of NRI/foreigners) Enter the valid Aadhaar Number/Passport/OCI/PIO Card.
(n) PAN of applicant Enter valid PAN number of Applicant. PAN must be verified by clicking ‘Verify PAN Detail’. Applicant’s Name . Father’s Name and DOB should match with the information available in the PAN database.
2 Particulars of the Company from which the amount is due 
(a) Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of company This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected through Lookup service.
(b) Name of the company /bank This field would be pre-filled on the basis of CIN selected in lookup service. There would be a SEARCH button enabled to search the CIN.
(c) Address of the registered office of the company This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected through Lookup service
(d) email ID of the company This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected through Lookup service.
3 Is it a case covered under rule 7 (8) & 7(9) of IEPF Rules, 2016  Select the radio Button ‘Yes’ if the case is related to transmission. Or else select ‘No’.
(a) Name of original security holder If yes is selected above, then enter the Name of the original security holder
(b) Relation of claimant with security holder If yes is selected above, then enter the relation of claimant with security holder
(c ) Number of Nominee/Legal heirs/Successors/ Administrator/ Others holders. If yes is selected above, then enter the Number of Nominee/Legal heirs/Successors/ Administrator/ Others holders. Maximum 10 can be entered.
(d) Name of Beneficiary Enter the Name of Beneficiary depending on the number entered above.
4 Type of Claim  Select the Radio Button:


Amount and Shares

5 Details of shares claimed  This field would be enabled only when ‘Amount an shares’ is selected in field 4
Number of Folio Enter the Number of folios. Maximum 15 can be entered. The number of blocks generated below would be equal to this number entered.
Type of Holding Select from Drop down:



Folio No./ Complete Demat account number from which transfer has been made to IEPF Enter the of the Folio No./ DP Id – Client ID – Account number

Maximum number of characters allowed for Folio No is 20 and for DP Id – Client ID – Account number is 60.

‘Folio No’ shall be entered if Physical is selected in ‘type of Holding’. ‘Account No’ shall be entered if Demat is selected in ‘type of Holding’

Type of share Select from drop down:



Number of shares Give the number of shares claimed

The number should be greater than zero

6 Details of amount claimed 
Number of claims Enter the number of claims to be filed

The limit for this is 15.The number of blocks generated below would be equal to this number entered.

Type of claim Select the type of claim from drop down values.
Type of Holding Select from Drop down:



Folio No./ Complete Demat account number from which transfer has been made to IEPF Enter the of the Folio No./ DP Id – Client ID – Account number

Maximum number of characters allowed for Folio No is 20 and for DP Id – Client ID – Account number is 60.

‘Folio No’ shall be entered if Physical is selected in ‘type of Holding’. ‘Account No’ shall be entered if Demat is selected in ‘type of Holding’

Amount of the claim Enter the amount of the claim

Both Principle and Interest field will be displayed when option 2,3 and 4 are selected in ‘Type of claim’ else only Principle field will be displayed.

The amount should be greater than zero.

Financial year to which it relates Select the Financial year range to which the claim relates

The year should be equal to or greater than year of incorporation of company and equal to or less than the system date

Reason for non-receipt/ non-encashment of the instrument of payment Select the Reason for non-receipt/ non-encashment of the instrument of payment from below drop down values:

-Change in Address

-Death of original investor

-Loss of original Documents


7 Refund Account Details 
(a) Bank account number Enter the Bank account number in which refund of dividend amount is to be made

The maximum number of characters that can be entered are 20

Bank Name Give the bank name in which refund of dividend amount is to be made
IFSC Code Give the IFSC code of the branch in which refund of dividend amount is to be made. Maximum 11 characters can be entered.
Bank Branch Give the description of the bank branch in which refund of dividend amount is to be made
Demat account number in which shares shall be credited Enter your Demat Account number
Attachments 1. Aadhaar Card of the claimant and if joint holders are there, copy of Aadhaar card of all joint holders

– Mandatory

2. Passport, OCI and PIO card in case of foreigners and NRI – Mandatory

3. Client Master List of Demat A/c of the claimant – Mandatory

4. Proof of entitlement (Bonds/Debentures/Fixed Deposit receipts/Certificate of share/Interest warrant/Dividend warrant, Application No./Statement of transaction etc.) – Mandatory

5. Optional Attachment – Optional

In case yes is selected in field 3 the below attachments are mandatory to attach

6. Notarised copy of death certificate.

7. Notarised succession certificate/Probate/Will

8. No Objection Certificate from other holder

9. Indemnity Bond for Transmission, duly notarized

10. Affidavit in form of surety

OTP Validation Enter Mobile Number and e-Mail ID and click on Send OTP button.

Click on this button to send OTP to your mobile number and email ID.

Please note that separate OTPs will be sent to mobile number and email ID.

Further, please note that OTP can be successfully sent to the mobile number and email ID against one form and IP Address, for a maximum of 10 times in one day. OTP shall be valid for a span of 30minutes.

For further chances, you may try with a new form on the next day.

Enter the OTP for Mobile Number and Email Id received on the mobile number and email id entered in the form.

Verify OTP Button: This button will be enabled after OTP for mobile number and email address are entered.

Please note that the OTPs must be verified before you submit the form.

Submit Click on the ‘Submit’ button to proceed for challan generation.


Form IEPF-5