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When analyzing financial data, it is important to steer clear of multicolinearity. This refers to the use of multiple indicators that measure the same information. For example, MACD, RSI, and Rate-of-change are all based on closing prices and are considered momentum indicators. Utilizing all of these at once would be considered multicolinearity.
Instead, it is best to use indicators that complement each other in order to avoid multicolinearity. For instance, RSI can be used to measure momentum, Chaikin Money Flow can track buying and selling pressure, and moving averages can indicate trends. By combining these indicators, we can avoid duplicating information and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the data.
Remember, avoiding multicolinearity is crucial for conducting sensible technical analysis. By selecting indicators that complement each other, we can make more informed decisions when it comes to financial matters. So, next time you're analyzing data, be mindful of multic